गुरुवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2012

The mystery of Strange sounds Heard World wide- A Scientific Review

In the age of 21st century and the era of scientific revolution the life of a man has become so fast that there is no time to think for a while. Man is still unaware about the various threats that are forwarding towards us from the outer space. In the past, if we go through the pages of history we can see that many civilisations over the world have explained about the end of the world and the apoclaypse. One of such civilisation is “Maya” civilisation who were the residents of mesoamerica in the era of Yucatan around 2600 B.C. They have had the clear vision about the end date of the world and had the explanation in the pictographic form. According to their calender they calculated the end date as 2012 december. Many such strange events have already started to happen. We can see the example of Tsunami in japan, earthquake in Banda Ache(Indonesia), and Haiti, and cyclones over the west coasts of america.

One such strange thing that first came into limelight in 2011 was the strange “Humming” sounds that were heard all around the world in different parts. Till recently there was no scientific explanation for such sounds. These sounds disturbed the people round the globe which were heard from the sky. So from where the sounds originated? Why are they heard now? What is the scientific explanation for this type of strange event.

The information came up about such sounds from U.S, U.K, Australia, Pakistan, India, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc. Due to the lack of proper explanation and scientific evidence, people were shocked and got scared.

When the records were analyzed by the scientists all over the world, it was found that, only the fraction of original sound is heard by the people. The sounds actually are the low frequency aucostic emissions which ranges between 20 to 100 Hz.In the geophysics it is termed as “Aucostic Gravity Waves”. Such waves are formed at the boundary of  Ionosphere. This phenomenon is related to sun and its activity. This phenomenon gives rise to what we know as “Northern and Southern Lights”. Scientific terminology for it is “Aurora”. At the southern pole it is “Aurora Australis” and at the northern end it is “Aurora Borealis”.

The strange sounds are the direct outcome of such kind of electromagnetic waves that are transferred through the atmospheric medium and are heard on the earth. The frequency of these sounds was very low because of less activity solar particles that are ejected by the sun and forwarded towards the earth. The sun is approaching towards its Maxima and so the flare activities on the surface of the sun have also maximised.

The Solar flares give out the huge burst outs that forward the waves in the form of electromagnetic particles. But these particles are unable to penetrate the envelope of the earth. This is because of the poles. The poles have the magnetic concentration that deviates these charged particles again in the outer space. But while it gets deflected, it goes through the magnetosphere which interacts with the magnetic field of earth. This reaction gives rise to the humming sound and the unique dance of lights at the polar ends of the earth.

But since the solar activities are at its peak and are still rising, these activities will still strengthen up over 2013 and 2014. Since the Mid 2011 the solar activities have risen at the unusual rate which was never recorded earlier in the history of mankind. So hereby we can assume that there is a high probability of the impact of substantial increase in solar activities and the strange humming sounds. In 2013- 14 it will be 1.4-1.5 times higher than now the sounds that are heard. In 2013 the sun will have its 23rd cycle which will have the generation of sounds at the maximum amplitude.

That is the reason why the typical strange humming sounds are being heard all around the world. Such sounds are the resultants of the combinations of Electromagnetic particles that are ejected towards the earth and the gradual rise of the solar activity on the surface of the sun.

For more Information you can mail at rajdeepvaibhav706@gmail.com

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