मंगलवार, 23 अक्टूबर 2012

Ecosystem- An Informative approach


It was Ernst Haeckel who introduced the term Ecology to us. There were many scientists who were in interest of giving the theories and putting forth the concepts of ecology in 18th and 19th century. Different types of ecosystem of nature, constituting the giant ecosystem – the biosphere. These may be artificially categorized as follows:

 Natural ecosystem
These operate by themselves under natural conditions without any major interference by man. Based upon the particular kind of habitat, these are further divided as:

1. Terrestrial, as forest, grassland, desert etc.
2. Aquatic (water-open), may be further distinguished as:

(a)  Freshwater, which may be lotic (running-  water as spring, stream, or rivers) or lentic (standing water as  lake, pond, pools, puddles, puddles, ditch,  swamp etc.).
(b) Marine, such deep bodies as an ocean or shallow ones as a sea or estuary etc.

 Artificial (man-engineered) ecosystems
These are maintained artificially by man where, by addition of energy and planned manipulations, natural balance is disturbed regularly. For example croplands like maize, wheat, rice-fields etc. where man tries to control the biotic community as well as the physiso –chemical environment, are artificial ecosystem.
In addition to above the rapid progress made during recent years led to the recognition of some other such types of ecosystem as space ecosystem etc.

Structure and Function of as Ecosystem
The two major aspects of an ecosystem are, the structure and function. By structure we mean
(1) The composition of biological community including species, numbers, biomass, life history and distribution in space etc.
(2) The quantity and distribution of the non-living materials, such as nutrients, water etc. and
(3) The range or gradient of condition of existence, such as temperature, light etc.

 By function we mean

(1) The rate of biological energy flow i.e., the production and respiration rates of the community,
(2) Rate of materials or nutrient cycles, and
(3) Biological or ecological regulation of organisms by environment (photoperiodic etc.) and regulation of environment by the organism,(nitrogen fixing organisms etc.) Thus in any ecosystem, structure and function are studied together.

An ecosystem has two major components:

Abiotic (non-living) component
It includes
 1 The amount of inorganic substances as P,S,C, N, H, etc. involved in material cycles. The amount of these inorganic substances, present at quality,
 2 Amount and distribution of inorganic chemicals, such as chlorophylls etc. and of organic materials, as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids etc. present either in the biomass or in the environment i.e. biochemical structure that link the biotic and biotic components of the ecosystem,
3 The climate of the given region.

 Biotic (living) component
This is needed the trophic structure of any ecosystem, where living organisms are distinguished on the basic of their nutritional relationships. From this trophic (nutritional) standpoint, an ecosystem has two components:
1. Autotrophic component. In which fixations of light energy, use of simple are inorganic substances and buildup of complex substances predominate. The component is constituted mainly by green plants, including photosynthetic bacteria. To some lesser extent, chemosynthetic to the buildup of organic matter. Members of the autotrophic component are known as Producers.
2. Heterotrophic component. In which utilization, rearrangement and decomposition of complex materials predominate. The organisms involved are known as consumers, as they consume the matter built up by the producers (autographs). The consumers are further categorized as:

(a) Macro consumers- These are the consumers, which in an order as they occur in a food chain are, herbivores, carnivores (or omnivores). Herbivores are also known as primary consumers. Secondary and tertiary consumers, if present, are carnivores or omnivores. They all are photographs which include chiefly animals that ingest other organic and particulate organic matter.

(b) Micro consumers- These are popularly known as decomposers. They are saprotrophs (osmotrophs) and include chiefly bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. They breakdown complex compounds of dead or living protoplasm absorb some of the decomposition or breakdown products and release inorganic nutrients in environment, making them available again to autographs.
 The biotic component of any ecosystem may be thought of as the functional kingdom of nature, since they are based on the type of nutrition and the energy source used. The trophic structure of an ecosystem is one kind of producer consumer arrangement, which each “food” level is known as trophic levels or in a component population is known as the standing crop, a term applicable to both plants as well as animals. The standing crop may be expressed in terms of
(1) Number of organisms per unit area, or
(2) Biomass i.e. organism mass in unit area, which can be measured as living weight, dry weight, as-free dry weight, or calories any other convenient unit suitable for comparative purposes.

Ecological pyramids
                    Trophic structure, i.e. the interaction of food chain and the size metabolism relationship between the linearly arranged various biotic components of an ecosystem is characteristic of each type of ecosystem.   The trophic structure and function at successive trophic levels, i.e. produces-herbivores-carnivores, may be shown graphically by means of ecological pyramids where the first or producer level constitutes the base of the pyramid and the successive levels, the tiers making the apex.  Ecological pyramids are of three general types-
(1) Pyramid of numbers, showing the number of individual organisms at each level
(2) Pyramid of biomass, showing the total dry weight and other suitable measure of the total amount of living matter, and
 (3) Pyramid of energy, showing the rate of energy flow and/or productivity at successive tropic levels. The pyramids of numbers and biomass may be upright or inverted depending upon the nature of the food chain in the particular ecosystem, whereas pyramids of energy are always upright.

 Pyramids of numbers- They show the relationship between producers, herbivores and carnivores and carnivores at successive tropic levels in terms of their number. The pyramids of numbers in three different kinds of ecosystems are shown in.  This number then shows a decrease towards apex, as the primary consumers (herbivores) like rabbits, mice etc. are lesser in number than grasses; the secondary consumers, snakes and lizards are lesser in number than the rabbits and mice. Finally, the top (tertiary) consumer’s hawks or other birds are least in number. Thus, the pyramid becomes upright.  Similary, in a pond ecosystem the pyramid is upright.  Here the producers, which are mainly the phyto-planktons as algae, bacteria etc. are maximum in number; the herbivores, which are smaller fish; rotifers etc lesser in number than the producers; and the secondary consumers (carnivores), such as small fish eating each other, water beetles etc, are lesser in number than the herbivores. Finally, the top (tertiary) consumers, the bigger fish are lease in number. In a forest ecosystem, however the pyramid of numbers is somewhat different in shape. The producers, which are mainly large- sized stress, are lesser in number, and form the base of the pyramid. The herbivores which are the fruit- eating birds, elephants, deer’s, etc. are more in number the producers. Then there is a gradual decrease in the number of successive carnivores, thus making the pyramid again upright. However, in a parasitic food chain the pyramids are always inverted.   This is due to the fact that a single plant may support the growth of many herbivores and each herbivore in turn may provide nutrition to several parasites, which support many hyper parasites. Thus, from the producer towards consumers, there is a reverse position, i.e. the number of organisms gradually shows an increase, making the pyramid inverted inverted in shape.
Actually the pyramids of numbers do not give a true picture of the food chain as they are not very functional.  They do not indicate the relative effects of the geometric food chain and size factors of the organisms. They generally vary with different communities with different types of food chains in the same environment. It becomes sometimes very difficult to represent the whole community on the same numerical scale (as in forests).
 Pyramids of biomass: They are comparatively more fundamental as they, instead of geometric factor, show the quantitative relationships of the standing crops. The pyramids of biomass in different types of ecosystem are shown in Figure.  In grassland and forest there is generally a gradual decrease in biomass of organisms at successive levels from the producers to the top carnivores. Thus pyramids are upright.  However, In a pond as the producers are small organism, their biomass is least, and this value gradually shows an increase towards the apex of the pyramid, thus making the pyramid inverted in shape.

 Pyramids of energy:  Of the three types of ecological pyramids, the energy give the best picture of overall nature of the ecosystem. Here, number and weight of organisms at any level depends not on the amount of fixed energy present at any one times in the level just below but rather on the rate at which food is being produced. In contrast with the pyramids of numbers and biomass, which are pictures of the standing situations (organisms present at any moment), the pyramids of energy is a picture of the rates of passage of food mass through the food chain.  In shape it is always upright, as in most of the cases there is always a gradual decrease in the energy content at successive tropic levels from the producers to various consumers.

Functional of Ecosystem
The foregoing account presents the gross structure of an ecosystem of an ecosystem.  But for a fuller understanding of nature functions (particularly rate functions) must also be investigated. Both, structure and function are best studied together and now we shall consider a brief outline of gross function of an ecosystem i.e. how an ecosystem works or operates under natural conditions? 
From the operational viewpoint the living and nonliving and non-living components of ecosystem are so interwoven into the fabric of nature that their separation from each other becomes practically very much difficult.  The mode of movement of materials and energy in an ecosystem is shown in simple model presented in Figure.  The producers, green plants, fix radiant energy and with the help of minerals (C, H, N, P, L, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, etc.) taken from their soil and aerial environment (nutrient pool) they build up complex organic matter (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids etc.). Some ecologists prefer to call the green plants as converters or transducers, since they feel that the term ‘producer’ from energy viewpoint is somewhat misleading.  Their viewpoint is that green plants produce carbohydrates and not energy and since they convert to transducer radiant energy into chemical form, they must be better called the converters or transducers. However, the term ‘producer’ is so widely used that it is preferred to retain it as such. The two ecological processes of energy flow and mineral cycling, involving interaction between the psycho-chemical environment and the biotic communities, may be thought as the “heart” of the ecosystem dynamics. According to the model shown in Figure energy flows in non-cyclic manner (unidirectional) from sun to the decomposers via producers and macro consumers( herbivores and carnivores), whereas the minerals keep on moving in a cyclic manner. The cycling of the minerals is accomplished by different biogeochemical cycles super-imposed upon the unidirectional energy flow through the biotic component of the ecosystem.  It would become, however, clear later that energy not only flows unidirectional but also lost from the system in several in ways and that minerals too similarly show a net loss in several ways.

Productivity of ecosystem
The productivity of an ecosystem refers to the rate of production i.e. the amount of organic matter accumulated in any unit time.  Productivity is of the following types:

Primary productivity It is associated with the producers which are autotrophic, most of which are photosynthetic, and to a much lesser extent the chemosynthetic microorganisms.  These are the green plants, higher macrophytes as well as lower forms, the phytoplankton and some photosynthetic bacteria. Primary productivity id defined as “the rate at which radiant energy is stored by photosynthetic and chemosynthetic activity of activity of producers.”  Primary productivity further distinguished as:

(a) Gross primary productivity It is the total rate of photosynthesis including the organic matter used up in respiration during the measurement period.  This is also sometimes referred to as total (gross) photosynthesis or total assimilation.  It depends on the chlorophyll content.  The rates of primary productivity are estimated in terms of either chlorophyll contents as, Chl/g dry/weight/unit area, or photosynthetic number i.e. amount of Co2 fixed/g Chl/hour.

(b)Net primary productivity It is the rate of storage of organic matter in plant tissues in excess of the respiratory utilization by plants during the measurement period.  This is thus the rate of increase of biomass and is also known as apparent photosynthesis or net assimilation.  Thus, net primary productivity refers to balance between gross photosynthesis and respiration and other plant losses as death etc.

 Secondary productivity  It refers to the consumers or heterotrophs. These are the rates of energy storage at consumer’s level.  Since consumers only utilize food materials (already produced) in their respiration, simply converting the food matter to different tissues by an overall process, secondary productivity is not divided into ‘gross’ and ‘net’ amounts.  Thus, some ecologists as Odum (1971) prefer to use the term assimilation rather than production at this level the consumer’s level.  Secondary productivity actually remains mobile (i.e. keeps on moving from one organism to another) and does not live in situ like the primary productivity.

 Net productivity it refers to the rate of storage of organic matter not used by the heterotrophs (consumers) i.e. equivalent to net production minus consumption by the heterotrophs during the unit period, as a reason or year etc.  It is thus the rate of increase of biomass of the primary producers which has been lift over by the consumers. Net productivity is generally is expressed as production of Cg/m2/day which may then be consolidated on month, season or year basis.

The transfer of food energy from the producers, through a series of organisms (herbivores to carnivores to decomposers) with repeated eating and being eaten, is known as a food chain.  Producers utilize the radiant energy of sun which is transformed to chemical form, ATP during photosynthesis.  Thus green plants occupy, in any food chain, the first trophic (nutrition) level- the producer’s level, and are called the primary producers.  The energy, as stored in food matter manufactured by green plants, is then utilized by the plant eaters- the herbivores which constitute the second trophic level- the primary consumers level, and are called the primary consumers(herbivores). Herbivores in turn are eaten by the carnivores, which constitute the third trophic level the secondary consumers level, and are called the secondary consumers (carnivores).  These turn may be eaten still by other carnivores at tertiary consumers level i.e. by the tertiary consumers (carnivores).  Some organisms are omnivores eating the organisms the producers as well as the carnivores at their lower level in thee food chain.  Such organisms thus may occupy more than one trophic levels in the food chain.  This classification of all the living organisms of any ecosystem is one of their functions and not of species.  Species that are taxonomically widely different from each other may occupy the same tropic levels as all have a common function in the food chain. Typha, Nymphaea, Chara, Volvex, Nostoc, photosynthetic

Vaibhav Rajdeep

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