शनिवार, 2 फ़रवरी 2013

राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार तथा सूचना स्रोत संस्थान (निस्केयर)

राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार तथा सूचना स्रोत संस्थान (निस्केयर), राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संचार संस्थान तथा भारतीय राष्ट्रीय वैज्ञानिक प्रलेखन केन्द्र (इंसडॉक) के दिनांक 30 सितम्बर, 2002 को हुए विलय के पश्चात अस्तित्व में आया। निस्कॉम तथा इंसडॉक दोनों ही वैज्ञानिक तथा औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद(सीएसआईआर) के प्रमुख संस्थान थे जो वैज्ञानिक तथा प्रौद्योगिक सूचना (एस एंड टी) के प्रलेखन तथा प्रचार-प्रसार के लिये समर्पित थे।
निस्कॉम पिछले छह दशकों से अस्तित्व में था (पहले वैज्ञानिक औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद की दो प्रकाशन इकाइयों, जिनका विलय कर प्रकाशन विभाग बना दिया गया तथा बाद में जिसका पुनर्नाम प्रकाशन एवं सूचना निदेशालय किया गया तथा वर्ष 1996 में निस्कॉम रखा गया) पिछले कुछ वर्षों से निस्कॉम ने अपने कार्यकलापों में व्यापक परिवर्तन किये है तथा अपने सूचना उत्पादों जैसे अनुसंधान तथा लोकप्रिय विज्ञान पत्रिकाओं, विश्वकोश प्रकाशनों, मोनाग्राफों, पुस्तकों तथा सूचना सेवाओं के द्वारा यह अनुसंधानकर्ताओं, विद्यार्थियों, उद्यमियों, उद्योगपतियों, कृषकों, नीति निर्धारकों तथा जनसामान्य तक पहुंचने में सफल रहा है।
इंसडॉक 1952 में अस्तित्व में आया तथा अपनी असंख्य गतिविधियों जैसे सारांश तथा इंडेक्सीकरण, डेटाबेसों का अभिकल्पन तथा विकास, अनुवाद,पुस्तकालय स्वचलन, अन्तरररष्ट्रीय सूचना स्रोतों पर सुलभता प्रदान करना, मानव संसाधन विकास, आधुनिक पुस्तकालय सह सूचना केन्द्रों को बनाने के लिए परामर्शी सेवाएं प्रदान करना इत्यादि द्वारा विज्ञान तथा प्रौद्योगिक सेवाएं प्रदान करने में संलग्न था। इंसडॉक में राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान पुस्तकालय तथा सार्क प्रलेखन केन्द्र भी समाहित थे।
अब, निस्केयर के निर्माण के साथ ही, उपर्युक्त सभी बहुमुखी गतिविधियों का समागम हो गया है, जिससे निस्केयर के रूप में एक ऐसे संस्थान का उद्भव हुआ है, जो आधुनिकतम आईटी अवसंरचना का प्रयोग कर अधिक प्रभावशाली रूप से समाज की सेवा करने तथा विज्ञान संचार, प्रचार-प्रसार तथा विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिक सूचना प्रबन्धन प्रणाली एवं सेवाओं के क्षेत्र में नये आयामों को स्थापित करने में सक्षम है। मुख्य रूप से निस्केयर की केन्द्रीय गतिविधि पारम्परिक तथा आधुनिक तरीकों के सामंजस्य द्वारा विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिक (एस एंड टी) सूचना के एकत्रण संग्रहण प्रकाशन तथा प्रचार-प्रसार की होगी,जो समाज के विभिन्न वर्गों के लिये लाभदायक होगी।
देश में विज्ञान तथा प्रौद्योगिकी की सामयिक तथा पारम्परिक ज्ञान प्रणाली पर उपलब्ध सभी सूचना स्रोतों का मुख्य संरक्षक बनना तथा सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त प्रौद्योगिकियों का उपयोग करके सभी स्तर के विविध संघटकों में विज्ञान संचार को प्रोत्साहित करना बढ़ावा देना।
  • विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं के रूप में वैज्ञानिक समुदाय में औपचारिक संचार संपर्क प्रदान करना
  • जनमानस, विशेषकर स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों में विज्ञान के प्रति रुचि जाग्रत करने के लिए विज्ञान तथा प्रौद्योगिकी सूचना का प्रचार-प्रसार करना
  •  देश की पादप एवं खनिज सम्पदा तथा औद्योगिक अवसंरचना पर सूचना का संग्रहण, परितुलन/सम्पादन/समवलोकन तथा प्रचार-प्रसार करना
  •  सूचना प्रबन्धन में विशेषकर विज्ञान संचार तथा पुस्तकालयों के आधुनिकीकरण के संदर्भ में सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी अनुप्रयोगों को सक्रिय रूप से बढ़ाना
  • समय पर संबंधित तथा सही सूचना की सुलभता प्रदान कर आर्थिक, सामाजिक, औद्योगिक, वैज्ञानिक तथा वाणिज्यक विकास को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए एक सुविधा प्रदाता के रूप में कार्य करना
  • निस्केयर के समूप लक्ष्यों तथा उद्देश्य वाले अन्तरराष्ट्रीय संस्थानों तथा संगठनों के साथ सहयोग करना
  • निस्केयर के उद्देश्य के साथ सामंजस्य वाली अन्य गतिविधियां

डॉ. गंगन प्रताप ने दिनांक 23 फरवरी 2009 को निदेशक, निस्केयर का कार्यभार संभाला, इससे पहले वे कोचीन यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ साइंस एण्ड टैक्नोलॉजी में उपकुलपति थे।
नवीन उपलब्धिया
निस्केयर की प्राथमिक अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं की ऑनलाइन सुलभता का क्रियान्वयन
एक समाधान जिसका नाम निस्केयर ऑनलाइन पीरियोडिकल्स रिपोजिटरी (एनओपीआर)है,का क्रियान्वयन ओपन सोर्स डिजीटल रिपोजिटरी सिस्टम सॉफ्टवेयर के आधार पर किया गया है। इसके द्वारा निस्केयर अपनी अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं को ऑनलाइन सुलभ बनाने में समर्थ हो गया है। सभी 17अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं के पूर्ण पाठ पर सुलभता प्रदान करने के लिए इन्हें ओपन एक्सेस माध्यम के अन्तर्गत http://nopr.niscair.res.inसे जोड़ा गया है। केवल भारत अपितु विश्वभर के विद्यार्थी तथा अनुसंधान समुदाय निस्केयर की अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं के ओपन एक्सेस द्वारा लाभान्वित हो रहे हैं। इससे राष्ट्रीय तथा अन्तरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर निस्केयर की अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं पर सुलभता,दृश्यता तथा सदस्यता आधार को बढ़ाने में सहायता मिलेगी। सभी अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं के सामयिक अंक एनओपीआर में पूर्ण सुलभता के लिए पत्रिकाओं के प्रकाशित अंक से बहुत पहले ही उपलब्ध करा दिये जाते हैं। इस संग्रहण में वर्ष2007से लेकर नवीनतम अंक तक तथा कुछ अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं के वर्ष 2002से आगे के अंकों का डेटा समाहित है। इस संग्रहण में लगभग 6400शोधपत्र समाहित है।
निस्केयर अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं की दृश्यता को बढ़ाने के लिए सभी अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं को डायरेक्टरी ऑफ ओपन एक्सेस जर्नल्स (डीओएजे), रजिस्टरी ऑफ ओपन एक्सेस रिपोजिटरीज (डीओएआर), गूगल एनालिटिक्स तथा अन्य प्रमुख सर्च इंजनों के साथ पंजीकृत किया गया है।

राष्ट्रीय ज्ञान संसाधन कन्सोर्शियम (पूर्व में सीएसआईआर -जर्नल कन्सोर्शियम)
निस्केयर सीएसआईआर प्रयोगशालाओं द्वारा -जर्नलों पर सुलभता प्राप्त करने के लिए कर्न्सोशियम का विकास करने के लिए नोडल संगठन का कार्य करता है। इस गतिविधि में प्रमुख अन्तरराष्ट्रीय संस्थानों द्वारा प्रकाशित वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं के सृजन से लेकर सुलभता सुविधा पर मॉनीटरिंग सम्मिलित है। इस योजना के अन्तर्गत सीएसआईआर के वैज्ञानिक इन अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं पर सुलभता प्राप्त कर अपने प्रयोग के लिए सामग्री डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। विश्वभर की अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं पर ऐसी सुलभता बहुत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका का निर्वाह करेगी तथा सीएसआईआर प्रयोगशालाओं में अनुसंधान तथा विकास को सशक्त बना देश के सामाजिक आर्थिक विकास के लिए उपयोगी ज्ञान उत्सर्जन को बढ़ाएगी। इसके उद्देश्य निम्नांकित हैं-
  • सीएसआईआर पुस्तकालय संसाधनों को पूलिंग, शेयरिंग तथा इलेक्ट्रोनिकल रूप में सुलभता प्राप्त कर  सशक्त बनाना
  •  सीएसआईआर प्रयोगशालाओं को विश्वभर के वैज्ञानिक तथा प्रौद्योगिक साहित्य पर सुलभता प्रदान करना
  •  इलेक्ट्रोनिक रूप में सुलभता की संस्कृति को बढ़ाकर डिजीटल पुस्तकालयों के उत्सर्जन हेतु कार्य करना। ऐसे सदस्य संसाधनों में मैसर्स ब्लैकवेल, मैसर्स जॉनविले, मैसर्स स्प्रिंगर, मैसर्स एआईपी, मैसर्स एएससीई तथा अन्य प्रकाशक तथा अनुसंधान पत्रिकाएं/साइंस, जेसीसीसी तथा एसीआई-फाइन्डर जैसे डेटाबेस सम्मिलित हैं। 

टीकेडीएल परियोजना
इन्टरनेशनल पेटेण्ट क्लासीफिकेशन (आईपीसी) पर टीकेडीएल परियोजना के आधार पर भारत द्वारा प्रस्तुत प्रस्ताव - ट्रेडिशनल नॉलेज रिसोर्स क्लासीफिकेशन (टीकेआरसी)A61K36/100 के नये मुख्य समूह के लिए तैयार की गयी सूची को विशेषज्ञों की समिति ने 34वें सत्र में स्वीकार किया तथा 25-29अक्टूबर 2004 को आयोजित आईपीसी यूनियन बैठक के 35वें सत्र में प्रस्तुत किया गया। यह सूची इन अनुसंधानकर्ताओं को जो भारत में प्रकाशित पारम्परिक औषधि प्रलेखन के क्षेत्र में अनुसंधान कर रहे हैं, के लिये यह इंगित करती है कि कैसे एक आईपीसी प्रतीक, जोकि टीकेआरसी प्रतीक जो समान अथवा समानान्तर विषय सामग्री से सम्बन्धित हैं, के विशिष्ट विषय सामग्री के अनुरूप होते हैं। पारम्परिक ज्ञान के क्षेत्र में पेटेण्ट प्रदान करते समय इसका अनुसंधान तथा निरीक्षण प्रणाली पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव पड़ता है, इससे गलत टीके पेटेण्ट प्रदान करने की सम्भावनाएं महत्वपूर्ण रूप से कम हो जाएगी। यह सूचना भारत द्वारा सृजित पारम्परिक ज्ञान अंकीय पुस्तकालय (टीकेडीएल) जो कि एक टीकेआरसी आधारित डेटाबेस है, में खोज को भी सरल बनाएगी। आईपीसी-टीकेआरसी सहमति का अन्तिम रुपान्तर टास्कफोर्स सदस्यों के द्वारा निरीक्षण करने के पश्चात वाइपो वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा।
 आईजेटीके तथा मापा को पीसीटी मिनीमम लिस्ट में शामिल
संस्थान द्वारा प्रकाशित दो अनुसंधान पत्रिकाओं यथा इंडियन जर्नल ऑफ ट्रेडिशनल नॉलेज तथा मेडिसिनल एण्ड एरोमैटिक प्लान्ट्स एब्सट्रैक्ट्स को पीसीटी मिनिमम लिस्ट में सम्मिलित किया गया है।
अन्तरराष्ट्रीय सहभागिता
निस्केयर, विश्व के 44 देशों के 150 से भी अधिक संस्थानों में प्रकाशनों का आदान-प्रदान करता है। प्रतिवर्ष कई देशों के विशिष्ट विशेषज्ञ संस्थान का दौरा/निरीक्षण करते हैं। निस्केयर के वैज्ञानिक भी अन्तरराष्ट्रीय सम्मेलनों, संगोष्ठयों, कार्यशालाओं तथा प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमों में सम्मिलित होते हैं।

Economics vocabulary start from 'I'

Short for international labour organisation, founded in 1919 as part of the treaty of Versailles, which created the League of Nations. In 1946, it became the first specialised agency of the UN. Based in Geneva, it formulates international labour standards, setting out desired minimum rights for workers: freedom of association; the right to organise and engage in collective bargaining; equality of opportunity and treatment; and the abolition of forced labour. It also compiles international labour statistics. One reason for its formation was the hope that international labour standards would stop countries using lower standards to gain a competitive advantage. From the 1980s onwards, the ilo approach came under attack as attention turned to the costs of high labour standards, notably slower economic growth. Universal minimum labour standards might also work against free trade. Imposing rich-country labour standards on poorer countries might help keep the rich rich and the poor poor.
Short for international monetary fund, referee and, when the need arises, rescuer of the world's financial system. The imf was set up in 1944 at bretton woods, along with the world bank, to supervise the newly established fixed exchange rate system. After this fell apart in 1971-73, the IMF became more involved with its member countries' economic policies, doling out advice on fiscal policy and monetary policy as well as microeconomic changes such as privatisation, of which it became a forceful advocate. In the 1980s, it played a leading part in sorting out the problems of developing countries' mounting debt. More recently, it has several times co-ordinated and helped to finance assistance to countries with a currency crisis.
The fund has been criticised for the conditionality of its support, which is usually given only if the recipient country promises to implement imf-approved economic reforms. Unfortunately, the IMF has often approved 'one size fits all' policies that, not much later, turned out to be inappropriate. It has also been accused of creating moral hazard, in effect encouraging governments (and firms, banks and other investors) to behave recklessly by giving them reason to expect that if things go badly the IMF will organise a bail-out. Indeed, some financiers have described an investment in a financially shaky country as a 'moral-hazard play' because they were so confident that the IMF would ensure the safety of their money, one way or another. Following the economic crisis in Asia during the late 1990s, and again after the crisis in Argentina early in this decade, some policymakers argued (to no avail) for the imf to be abolished, as the absence of its safety net would encourage more prudent behaviour all round. More sympathetic folk argued that the IMF should evolve into a global lender of last resort.
The flow of money to the factors of production: wages to labour; profit to enterprise and capital; interest also to capital; rent to land. Wages left for spending after paying taxes is known as disposable income. For countries, see national income.
Income effect
A change in the demand for a good or service caused by a change in the income of consumers rather than, say, a change in consumer tastes. Contrast with substitution effect.
Income tax
A much-loathed method of taxation based on earnings. It was first collected in 1797 by the dutch batavian republic. In the uk it was introduced in 1799 as a “temporary” measure to finance a war against napoleon, abolished in 1816 and reintroduced, forever, in 1842. In most countries, people do not pay it until their income exceeds a minimum threshold, and richer people pay a higher rate of income tax than poorer people. Since the 1980s, the unpopularity with voters of high rates of income tax and concern that high rates discourage valuable economic activity have led many governments to reduce income-tax rates. However, this has not necessarily reduced the amount of total revenue collected in income tax (see laffer curve). Nor do governments that have reduced income tax rates always cut other sorts of taxes; on the contrary, they have often increased them sharply to make up for any revenue lost as a result of lower rates of income tax.
Incumbent advantage
The importance of being there already. Firms that are in a market can have a significant competitive advantage over aspiring entrants to that market, for instance, through having the opportunity to erect barriers to entry.
Index numbers
Economists love to compile indices aggregating lots of individual data, so they can analyse broad trends in the behaviour of an economy. Inflation is measured by an index of consumer (retail) prices. There are indices of all sorts of things that are bought and sold of which perhaps the best known are share price indices like the Dow jones industrial average or ftse-100. The main challenges in compiling an index are what, exactly, to include in it and what weight to give the different things that are included. A particularly tricky question is how to change an index over time. Measures of inflation are based on the price of a basket of things bought by a typical consumer. As the quality and choice of products in the basket change over time, the inflation index ought to take this into account. How, exactly, is much debated.
Keeping pace with inflation. In many countries, wages, pensions, unemployment benefits and some other sorts of income are automatically raised according to recent movements in the consumer price index. This allows these different sorts of income to retain their value in real terms.
Indifference curve
A curve that joins together different combinations of goods and services that would each give the consumer the same amount of satisfaction (utility). In other words, consumers are indifferent to which of the combinations they get.
Indirect taxation
Taxes that do not come straight out of a person's pay packet or assets, or out of company profit. For example, a consumption tax, such as value-added tax (see expenditure tax). Contrast with direct taxation, such as income tax. Indirect taxation has become increasingly popular with politicians because it may be less noticeable to people paying it than income tax and is harder to avoid paying.
When the supply or demand for something is insensitive to changes in another variable, such as price.
Does economic growth create more or less equality? Do unequal societies grow more or less slowly than equal ones? Economists have debated these questions for as long as anyone can remember. One problem is to agree which sort of inequality matters: equality of outcome (that is, income) or of opportunity? Another is how then to measure it. Equality of opportunity, which, in theory, should make a difference to growth, because it is about giving people the chance to make the most of their human capital, is probably beyond the ability of statisticians to analyse rigorously. The most often used measure of income inequality is the gini coefficient.
The evidence suggests that extreme poverty is more likely to slow growth than income inequality itself. This is because very poor people cannot buy the education they need to enable them to become richer and their children may be forced to forgo schooling in order to work for money.
Economic growth has generally reduced inequality within a country. This has been partly as a result of redistributive tax and benefits systems, which have become so significant that they may now be causing slower growth in some countries. The availability of welfare benefits may have discouraged unemployed people from seeking out a better job; and the high taxes needed to pay for the benefits may have discouraged some wealthy people from working as hard as they would have done under a friendlier tax regime. However, the new economy may see inequality in rich countries widen again, thanks to its alleged winner-takes-all distribution of financial rewards.
Inferior goods
Products that are less in demand as consumers get richer. For normal goods, demand increases as consumers have more to spend.
Rising prices, across the board. Inflation means less bang for your buck, as it erodes the purchasing power of a unit of currency. Inflation usually refers to consumer prices, but it can also be applied to other prices (wholesale goods, wages, assets, and so on). It is usually expressed as an annual percentage rate of change on an index number. For much of human history inflation has not been an important part of economic life. Before 1930, prices were as likely to fall as rise during any given year, and in the long run these ups and downs usually cancelled each other out. By contrast, by the end of the 20th century, 60-year-old Americans had seen prices rise by over 1,000% during their lifetime. The most spectacular period of inflation in industrialised countries took place during the 1970s, partly as a result of sharp increases in oil prices implemented by the opec cartel. Although these countries have mostly regained control over inflation since the 1980s, it continued to be a source of serious problems in many developing countries.
Inflation would not do much damage if it were predictable, as everybody could build into their decision making the prospect of higher prices in future. In practice, it is unpredictable, which means that people are often surprised by price increases. This reduces economic efficiency, not least because people take fewer risks to minimise the chances of suffering too severely from a price shock. The faster the rate of inflation, the harder it is to predict future inflation. Indeed, this uncertainty can cause people to lose confidence in a currency as a store of value. This is why hyper-inflation is so damaging.
Most economists agree that an economy is most likely to function efficiently if inflation is low. Ideally, macroeconomic policy should aim for stable prices. Some economists argue that a low level of inflation can be a good thing, however, if it is a result of innovation. New products are launched at high prices, which quickly come down through competition. Most economists reckon that deflation (falling average prices) is best avoided.
To keep inflation low you need to know what causes it. Economists have plenty of theories but no absolutely cast-iron conclusions. Inflation, Milton Friedman once said, 'is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon'. Monetarists reckon that to stabilise prices the rate of growth of the money supply needs to be carefully controlled. However, implementing this has proven difficult, as the relationship between measures of the money supply identified by monetarists and the rate of inflation has typically broken down as soon as policymakers have tried to target it. ­keynesian economists believe that inflation can occur independently of monetary conditions. Other economists focus on the importance of institutional factors, such as whether the interest rate is set by politicians or (preferably) by an independent central bank, and whether that central bank is set an inflation target.
Is there a relationship between inflation and the level of unemployment? In the 1950s, the phillips curve seemed to indicate that policymakers could trade off higher inflation for lower unemployment. Later experience suggested that although inflating the economy could lower unemployment in the short run, in the long run you ended up with unemployment at least as high as before and rising inflation as well. Economists then came up with the idea of the nairu (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment), the rate of unemployment below which inflation would start to accelerate. However, in the late 1990s, in both the United States and the uk, the unemployment rate fell well below what most economists thought was the nairu yet inflation did not pick up. This caused some economists to argue that technological and other changes wrought by the new economy meant that inflation was dead. Traditionalists said it was merely resting.
Inflation target
The goal of monetary policy in many countries is to ensure that inflation is neither too high nor too low. It became fashionable during the 1990s to set a country's central bank an explicit rate of inflation to target. By 1998, some 54 central banks had an inflation target, compared with just eight at the end of 1990, the year in which New Zealand’s reserve bank became the first to be set a target. In most industrialised countries, the target, or, typically, the mid-point of a target range, for consumer-price inflation is between 1% and 2.5%. The reason it is not zero is that official price indices overstate inflation, and that the countries would prefer a little inflation to any deflation.
Monetary poilcy takes time to have an impact. So central banks usually base their policy changes on a forecast of inflation, not its current rate. If forecast inflation in two years' time, say, is above the target, interest rates are raised. If it is below target, rates are cut.
Why has an inflation target? Setting an inflation target usually goes hand-in-hand with allowing a central bank considerable discretion in setting policy, so transparency in its decision-making is vital and is therefore usually increased as part of the process of adopting a target. More fundamentally, by making it easier to judge whether policy is on track, an inflation target makes it easier to hold a central bank to account for its performance. The pay of central bankers can be designed to reward them for achieving the target. But some central bankers argue that an inflation target restricts their policy flexibility too much, which is one reason why the world's most powerful central bank, america's federal reserve, has argued (so far successfully) against having one.
The oil that keeps the economy working smoothly. Economic efficiency is likely to be greatest when information is comprehensive, accurate and cheaply available. Many of the problems facing economies arise from people making decisions without all the information they need. One reason for the failure of the command economy is that government planners were not good at gathering and processing information. Adam smith's metaphor of the invisible hand is all about how, in many cases, free markets are much more efficient at processing information on the needs of all the participants in an economy than is the visible, and often dead, hand of state planners. Asymmetric information, when one party to a deal knows more than the other party, can be a serious source of inefficiency and market failure. Uncertainty can also impose large economic costs. The internet, by greatly increasing the availability and lowering the price of information, is helping to boost economic efficiency. But there are inefficiencies the internet will not be able to solve. Uncertainty will remain a huge source of economic inefficiency. Alas, potentially the most useful information, about what will happen in the future, is never available until it is too late.
The economic arteries and veins. Roads, ports, railways, airports, power lines, pipes and wires that enable people, goods, commodities, water, energy and information to move about efficiently. Increasingly, infrastructure is regarded as a crucial source of economic competitiveness. Investment in infrastructure can yield unusually high returns because it increases people's choices: of where to live and work, what to consume, what sort of economic activities to carry out, and of other people to communicate with. Some parts of a country's infrastructure may be a natural monopoly, such as water pipes. Others, such as traffic lights, may be public goods. Some may have a network effect, such as telephone cables. Each of these factors has encouraged government provision of infra­structure, often with the familiar downsides of state intervention: bad planning, inefficient delivery and corruption.
A vital contributor to economic growth. The big challenge for firms and governments is to make it happen more often. Although nobody is entirely sure why innovation takes place, new theories of endogenous growth try to model the innovation process, rather than just assume it happens for unexplained, exogenous reasons. The role of incentives seems to be particularly important. Although some innovations are the result of scientists and others engaged in the noble pursuit of know­ledge, most, especially their commercial applications are the result of entrepreneurs seeking profit. Joseph schumpeter, a leading practitioner of austrian economics, described this as a process of 'creative destruction'. A firm innovates successfully and is rewarded with unusually high profits, which in turn encourages rivals to come up with a superior innovation.
To encourage innovation, innovators must be allowed to make a decent profit, otherwise they will not incur the risk and expense of trying to come up with useful innovations. Most countries have patents and other laws protecting intellectual property, which allow innovators to enjoy a (usually temporary) monopoly over their innovation. Economists disagree over how long that protection should last, given the inefficiencies that result from any monopoly.
For most of the second half of the 20th century, governments played a crucial role in funding and directing pure research and early-stage development. In the 1980s, however, legal changes in the United States started to reduce this role. One change aimed to move technological development out of the country's state-financed national laboratories. Another allowed universities, not-for-profit research institutes and small businesses doing research under government contract to keep the technologies they had developed and to apply for patents in their own names. This appears to have contributed to a surge in innovation in the United States, as government researchers and university professors teamed up with outside firms, or started their own. Hoping for similar results, many other countries have followed suit.
Is innovation all it is cracked up to be, or is it just change for change's sake? A few years ago, Robert Solow, a nobel prize-winning economist, observed that 'you can see the computer age everywhere these days except in the productivity statistics'. Although new computer technology clearly had affected people and firms in visible and obvious ways, the slowdown in productivity growth that had afflicted the American economy since the 1970s did not appear to have been reversed. Believers in the new economy argued that the 'solow paradox' no longer holds true; in the late 1990s, the computer revolution started to deliver the productivity growth long promised. Even so, this shows that innovation can take a long time to deliver the goods.
Insider trading
A practice that was made illegal in the united states in 1934 and in the uk in 1980, and is now banned (for shares, at least) in most countries. Insider trading involves using information that is not in the public domain but that will move the price of a share, bond or currency when it is made public. An insider trade takes place when someone with privileged, confidential access to that information trades to take advantage of the fact that prices will move when the news gets out. This is frowned on because investors may lose confidence in financial markets if they see insiders taking advantage of advantageous asymmetric information to enrich themselves at the expense of outsiders. But some economists reckon that insider trading leads to more efficient markets: by transmitting the inside information to the market, it makes the price of, say, a company's shares more accurate. This may be true, but most financial regulators are willing to sacrifice a degree of accuracy in pricing to ensure that outsiders (the great majority of investors) feel they are being treated fairly.
Institutional investors
The big hitters of the financial markets: pension funds, fund-management companies, insurance companies, investment banks, hedge funds, charitable endowment trusts. In the United States, around half of publicly traded shares are owned by institutions and half by individual investors. In the uk, institutions own over two-thirds of listed shares. This gives them considerable clout, including the ability to move the prices in financial markets and to call company bosses to account. But because institutions mostly invest other people's money, they are themselves prone to agency costs, sometimes acting against the best long-term interests of the people who trust them with their savings.
In economic terms, anything used to reduce the downside of risk. In its most familiar form, insurance is provided through a policy purchased from an insurance company. But a fuller definition would also include, say, a financial security (or anything else) used to hedge, as well as assistance available in the event of disaster. It could even be provided by the government, in various ways, including welfare payments to sick or poor people and legal protection from creditors in the event of bankruptcy.
Conventional insurance works by pooling the risks of many people (or firms, and so on), all of whom might claim but in practice only a few actually do. The cost of providing assistance to those that claim is spread over all the potential claimants, thus making the insurance affordable to all.
Despite the enormous attraction of insurance, private markets in insurance often work badly, or not at all. Economists have identified three main reasons for this.
Private firms are unwilling to provide insurance if they are uncertain about the likely cost of providing sufficient cover, especially if it is potentially unlimited.
Moral hazard means that people with insurance may take greater risks because they know they are protected, so the insurer may get a bigger bill than it bargained for.
Insurers are at risk of adverse selection. The people who are most likely to claim buy insurance, and those who are least likely to claim do not buy it. In this situation, setting a price for insurance that will generate enough premiums to cover all claims is tricky, if not impossible.
Insurers have found ways of reducing the impact of these problems. For example, to counter adverse selection, they set higher health-insurance rates for people who smoke. To limit moral hazard, they offer reduced premiums to people who agree to pay the first so-many dollars or pounds of any claim.
An efficient system of insurance, in its broadest sense, can contribute to economic growth by encouraging entrepreneurial risk taking and by enabling people to choose which risks they take and which they protect themselves against.
Intangible assets
Valuable things, even though you cannot drop them on your foot - an idea, say, especially one protected by a patent; an effective corporate culture; human capital; a popular brand. Contrast with tangible assets.
Intellectual capital
The part of a country's or a firm's capital or an individual's human capital that consists of ideas rather than something more physical. It can often be protected through patents or other intellectual property laws.
The cost of borrowing, which compensates lenders for the risk they take in making their money available to borrowers. Without interest there would be little lending and thus a lot less economic activity. The charging of interest is contrary to sharia (Islamic) law, being considered usury. Some american states also have usury laws, imposing tough conditions on the terms set by lenders, although not actually prohibiting interest. Yet, as the recent rise of a substantial banking industry in islamic middle eastern countries shows, when economic growth is a priority, ways can usually be found to pay lenders to lend.
Interest rate
Interest is usually expressed at an annual rate: the amount of interest that would be paid during a year divided by the amount of money loaned. Developed economies offer many different interest rates, reflecting the length of the loan and the riskiness and wealth of the borrower. People often use the term 'interest rate' when they mean the short-term interest rate charged to banks. For instance, when a central bank raises or cuts interest rates, it changes only the price it charges to banks borrowing money overnight, expressed as an annual rate. Bond yields are a better measure of the interest rate on loans that do not have to be repaid for many years. Unlike short-term interest rates, bond yields are determined not by central bankers but by the supply and demand for money, which is heavily influenced by the expected rate of inflation.
International aid
A helping hand for poor countries from rich countries. This, at least, is the intention. In practice, in many cases aid has done little good for its intended recipients (improved health care is a notable exception) and has sometimes made matters worse. Poor countries that receive lots of aid grow no faster, on average, than those that receive very little. By contrast, perhaps the most successful aid programme ever - the marshall plan for rebuilding europe after the second world war - involved rich countries giving to other hitherto rich countries.
During the second half of the 20th century rich countries gave over $1 trillion in aid to poor ones. During the 1990s, however, flows of official aid stagnated. In 2001, official aid was a little over $50 billion, roughly one quarter of the gdp of donor countries. On top of this were private-sector donations from ngos (non-government organisations) worth an estimated $6 billion. Increasingly, such sums were exceeded by private foreign direct investment. In an attempt to reinvigorate international aid, in 2000 the un committed itself to eight ambitious millennium development goals for reducing global poverty by 2015.
Why has aid achieved so little? Donations have often ended up in the offshore bank accounts of corrupt politicians and officials in poor countries. Money has often been given with strings attached, so that much of this 'tied' aid is spent on com­panies and corrupt politicians and officials in the donor country. War has ravaged many potentially beneficial aid projects. Moreover, some aid has been motivated by political goals - for example, shoring up anti-communist governments - rather than economic ones.
The lesson of history is that aid will often be wasted unless it is carefully aimed at countries with a genuine commitment to sound economic management. Analysis by the world bank sorted 56 aid-receiving countries by the quality of their economic management. Those with good policies (low inflation, a budget surplus and openness to trade) and good institutions (little corruption, strong rule of law, effective bureaucracy) benefited from the aid they received. Those with poor policies and institutions did not. This accounts for the growing popularity of conditionality in aid.
When central banks try to influence an exchange rate by buying the currency they want to appreciate and selling the one they want to weaken. The evidence seems to suggest that it is at best a short-term measure. In the longer term, governments probably do not have the resources to beat market forces.
Putting money to work, in the hope of making even more money. Investment takes two main forms: direct spending on buildings, machinery and so forth, and indirect spending on financial securities, such as bonds and shares.
Traditionally, economic theory says that a country's total investment must equal its total savings. But this has never been true in the short run and, as a result of globalisation, may never be even in the long run, as countries with low savings can attract investment from overseas and foreign savers lacking opportunities at home can invest abroad (see foreign direct investment).
The more of its gdp a country invests, the faster its economy should grow. This is why governments try so hard to increase total investment, for instance, using tax breaks and subsidies, or direct public spending on infrastructure. However, recent evidence suggests that the best way to encourage private-sector investment is to pursue stable macroeconomic policies, with low inflation, low interest rates and low rates of taxation. Curiously, economic studies have not found evidence that higher levels of investment lead to higher rates of gdp growth. One explanation for this is that the circumstances and manner in which money is invested count at least as much as the total sums invested. It ain't how much you do, it's the way that you do it.
Invisible hand
Adam smith's shorthand for the ability of the free market to allocate factors of production, goods and services to their most valuable use. If everybody acts from self-interest, spurred on by the profit motive, then the economy will work more efficiently, and more productively, than it would do were economic activity directed instead by some sort of central planner. It is, wrote smith, as if an 'invisible hand' guides the actions of individuals to combine for the common good. Smith recognised that the invisible hand was not infallible, however, and that some government action might be needed, such as to impose antitrust laws, enforce property rights, and to provide policing and national defence.
Invisible trade
Exports and imports of things you cannot touch or see: services, such as banking or advertising and other intangibles, such as copyrights. Invisible trade accounts for a growing slice of the value of world trade.

Maharatna, Navratna, Miniratna


In 2009, the government established the Maharatna status, which raises a company’s investment ceiling from Rs. 1,000 crore to Rs. 5,000 crore. The Maharatna firms would now be free to decide on investments up to 15 per cent of their net worth in a project.Earlier, the Navaratna companies could invest up to Rs 1,000 crore without government approvals.
Criteria for Maharatna
In order to qualify as a Maharatna, a company must have:
·         Three years with an annual net profit of over Rs.2500 crore
·         Net worth of Rs. 10,000 crore
·         Turnover of Rs. 20,000 crore

Maharatna companies are given below:
  1. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
  2. Coal India Limited
  3. GAIL (India) Limited
  4. Indian Oil Corporation Limited
  5. NTPC Limited
  6. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited
  7. Steel Authority of India Limited


The Navratna status is offered to PSEs, which gives a company enhanced financial and operational autonomy and empowers it to invest up to Rs. 1000 crore or 15% of their net worth on a single project without seeking government approval. In a year, these companies can spend up to 30% of their net worth not exceeding Rs. 1000 cr. They will also have the freedom to enter joint ventures, form alliances and float subsidiaries abroad.
Criteria for Navratna 
Navratna status is conferred by Department of Public Enterprises. To be qualified as a Navratna, the company must obtain a score of 60 (out of 100). The score is based on six parameters which include net profit to net worth, total manpower cost to total cost of production or cost of services, PBDIT (Profit Before Depreciation, Interest and Taxes) to capital employed, PBDIT to turnover, EPS (Earning Per Share) and inter-sectoral performance. Additionally, a company must first be a Miniratna and have four independent directors on its board before it can be made a Navratna.
Navratna companies are given below:
  1. Bharat Electronics Limited
  2. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
  3. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
  4. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
  5. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
  6. National Aluminium Company Limited
  7. NMDC Limited
  8. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
  9. Oil India Limited
  10. Power Finance Corporation Limited
  11. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
  12. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
  13. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
  14. Shipping Corporation of India Limited

Miniratna Category - I

In addition, the government created another category called Miniratna. Miniratnas can also enter into joint ventures, set subsidiary companies and overseas offices but with certain conditions. In 2002, there were 41 government enterprises that were awarded Miniratna status.
Category I
This designation applies to PSEs that have made profits continuously for the last three years or earned a net profit of Rs. 30 crore or more in one of the three years. These miniratnas granted certain autonomy like incurring capital expenditure without government approval up to Rs. 500 crore or equal to their net worth, whichever is lower.
  1. Airports Authority of India
  2. Antrix Corporation Limited
  3. Balmer Lawrie & Co. Limited
  4. Bharat Dynamics Limited
  5. BEML Limited
  6. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  7. Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited
  8. Central Warehousing Corporation
  9. Central Coalfields Limited
  10. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
  11. Cochin Shipyard Limited
  12. Container Corporation of India Limited
  13. Dredging Corporation of India Limited
  14. Engineers India Limited
  15. Ennore Port Limited
  16. Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited
  17. Goa Shipyard Limited
  18. Hindustan Copper Limited
  19. HLL Lifecare Limited
  20. Hindustan Newsprint Limited
  21. Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited
  22. Housing & Urban Development Corporation Limited
  23. India Tourism Development Corporation Limited
  24. Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Limited
  25. IRCON International Limited
  26. KIOCL Limited
  27. Mazagaon Dock Limited
  28. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
  29. Manganese Ore (India) Limited
  30. Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemical Limited
  31. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited
  32. MMTC Limited
  33. MSTC Limited
  34. National Fertilizers Limited
  35. National Seeds Corporation Limited
  36. NHPC Limited
  37. Northern Coalfields Limited
  38. Numaligarh Refinery Limited
  39. ONGC Videsh Limited
  40. Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited
  41. Projects & Development India Limited
  42. Railtel Corporation of India Limited
  43. Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited
  44. RITES Limited
  45. SJVN Limited
  46. Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited
  47. South Eastern Coalfields Limited
  48. State Trading Corporation of India Limited
  49. Telecommunications Consultants India Limited
  50. THDC India Limited
  51. Western Coalfields Limited
  52. WAPCOS Limited

Miniratna Category-II

Category II
This category includes those PSEs which have made profits for the last three years continuously and should have a positive net worth. Category II miniratnas have autonomy to incurring the capital expenditure without government approval up to Rs. 300 crore or up to 50% of their net worth whichever is lower.
  1. Bharat Pumps & Compressors Limited
  2. Broadcast Engineering Consultants (I) Limited
  3. Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited
  4. Ed.CIL (India) Limited
  5. Engineering Projects (India) Limited
  6. FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India Limited
  7. Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited
  8. HMT (International) Limited
  9. HSCC (India) Limited
  10. India Trade Promotion Organisation
  11. Indian Medicines & Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited
  12. M E C O N Limited
  13. National Film Development Corporation Limited
  14. National Small Industries Corporation Limited
  15. P E C Limited
  16. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited

शुक्रवार, 1 फ़रवरी 2013

Economics vocabulary starts from 'H'

Hard currency
Money you can trust. A hard currency is expected to retain its value, or even benefit from appreciation, against softer currencies. This makes it a popular choice for people involved in international transactions. The dollar, d-mark, sterling and the swiss franc each became a hard currency, if only some of the time, during the 20th century.
An ancient system of moving money based on trust. It predates western bank practices. Although it is now more associated with the middle east, a version of hawala existed in china in the second half of the tang dynasty (618-907), known as fei qian, or flying money. In hawala, no money moves physically between locations; nowadays it is transferred by means of a telephone call or fax between dealers in different countries. No legal contracts are involved, and recipients are given only a code number or simple token, such as a low-value banknote torn in half, to prove that money is due. Over time, transactions in opposite directions cancel each other out, so physical movement is minimised. Trust is the only capital that the dealers have. With it, the users of hawala have a worldwide money-transmission service that is cheap, fast and free of bureaucracy.
From a government's point of view, however, informal money networks are threatening, since they lie outside official channels that are regulated and taxed. They fear they are used by criminals, including terrorists. Although this is probably true, by far the main users of hawala networks are overseas workers, who do not trust official money transfer methods or cannot afford them, remitting earnings to their families.
Reducing your risks. Hedging involves deliberately taking on a new risk that offsets an existing one, such as your exposure to an adverse change in an exchange rate, interest rate or commodity price. Imagine, for example, that you are british and you are to be paid $1m in three months' time. You are worried that the dollar may have fallen in value by then, thus reducing the number of pounds you will be able to convert the $1m into. You can hedge away that currency risk by buying $1m of pounds at the current exchange rate (in effect) in the futures market. Hedging is most often done by commodity producers and traders, financial institutions and, increasingly, by ­non-financial firms.
It used to be fashionable for firms to hedge by following a policy of diversification. More recently, firms have hedged using financial instruments and derivatives. Another popular strategy is to use 'natural' hedges wherever possible. For example, if a company is setting up a factory in a particular country, it might finance it by borrowing in the currency of that country. An extension of this idea is operational hedging, for example, relocating production facilities to get a better match of costs in a given currency to revenue.
Hedging sounds prudent, but some economists reckon that firms should not do it because it reduces their value to shareholders. In the 1950s, two economists, merton miller (1923-2000) and franco modigliani, argued that firms make money only if they make good investments, the kind that increase their operating cashflow. Whether these investments are financed through debt, equity or retained earnings is irrelevant. Different methods of financing simply determine how a firm's value is divided between its various sorts of investors (for example, shareholders or bondholders), not the value itself. This surprising insight helped win each of them a nobel prize. If they are right, there are big implications for hedging. If methods of financing and the character of financial risks do not matter, managing them is pointless. It cannot add to the firm's value; on the contrary, as hedging does not come free, doing it might actually lower that value. Moreover, argued messrs miller and modigliani, if investors want to avoid the financial risks attached to holding shares in a firm, they can diversify their portfolio of shareholdings. Firms need not manage their financial risks; investors can do it for themselves.
Hedge funds
These bogey-men of the financial markets are often blamed, usually unfairly, when things go wrong. There is no simple definition of a hedge fund (few of them actually hedge). But they all aim to maximise their absolute returns rather than relative ones; that is, they concentrate on making as much money as possible, not (like many mutual funds) simply on outperforming an index. Although they are often accused of disrupting financial markets by their speculation, their willingness to bet against the herd of other investors may push security prices closer to their true fundamental values, not away.
Herfindahl-hirschman index
A warning signal of possible monopoly. Antitrust economists often gauge the competitiveness of an industry by measuring the extent to which its output is concentrated among a few firms. One such measure is a herfindahl-hirschman index. To calculate it, take the market share of each firm in the industry, square it, then add them all up. If there are 100 equal-sized firms (a market with close to perfect competition) the index is 100. If there are four equal-sized firms (possible oligopoly) it will be 2,500. The higher the herfindahl number, the more concentrated is market power.
The main virtue of the herfindahl is its simplicity. But it has two unfortunate shortcomings. It relies on defining correctly the industry or market for which the degree of competitiveness is open to question. This is rarely simple and can be a matter of fierce debate. Even when the scope of the market is clear, the relation between the her findahl and market power is not. When there is a contestable market, even a firm with a herfindahl of 10,000 (the classic definition of a monopoly) may behave as if it was in a perfectly competitive market.
Horizontal equity
One way to keep taxation fair. Horizontal equity means that people with a similar ability to pay taxes should pay the same amount.
Horizontal integration
Merging with another firm just like yours, for example, two biscuit makers becoming one. Contrast with vertical integration, which is merging with a firm at a different stage in the supply chain. Horizontal integration often raises antitrust concerns, as the combined firm will have a larger market share than either firm did before merging.
Hot money
Money that is held in one currency but is liable to switch to another currency at a moment’s notice in search of the highest available returns, thereby causing the first currency’s exchange rate to plummet. It is often used to describe the money invested in currency markets by speculators.
House prices
When they go through the roof it is usually a warning sign that an economy is overheating. House prices often rise after interest rate reductions, which lower mortgage payments and thus give buyers the ability to fund a larger amount of borrowing and so offer a higher price for their new home. Strangely, people often regard house-price inflation as good news, even though it creates as many losers as gainers. They argue that rising house prices help to boost consumer confidence, and are part of the wealth effect: as house prices rise, people feel wealthier and so spend more. However, against this must be set a negative wealth effect. An increase in house prices makes many people worse off, such as first-time buyers and anyone planning to trade up to a better property.
As long as people think that their house is a vehicle for speculation, rather than merely accommodation, it seems inevitable that prices will be volatile, prone to a boom-bust cycle. As house prices rise, profits are made, tempting more speculative buyers into the market; eventually, they start to pay too much, interest rates rise, demand falls and prices plunge. People have also invested in housing as a hedge against inflation: house prices generally rise when other prices rise, whereas the real value of mortgage debt is eroded by inflation. However, when mortgage interest rates are variable (as they generally are in the uk) rather than fixed (as in the united states), they may rise painfully during times of high inflation as a result of macroeconomic policy efforts to slow the pace of economic growth.
One of the reasons why the united states has long-term fixed mortgage rates is the financing provided by government-sponsored agencies such as the federal national mortgage association and the federal home loan mortgage corporation, nicknamed, respectively, fannie mae and freddie mac. Economists increasingly debate their role, especially as they have grown into some of the world's largest lenders. Supporters claim that, as well as reducing macroeconomic volatility, they make housing more affordable, particularly for poorer people, and that other governments should play a similar role in the mortgage market. Critics say they have become a huge potential risk in the global financial system by creating a moral hazard through the controversial but widespread belief that if they were to get into difficulties the government would bail them out and, thus, their financial counterparties.
Human capital
 Human capital can be increased by investing in education, training and health care. Economists increasingly argue that the accumulation of human as well as physical capital (plant and machinery) is a crucial ingredient of economic growth, par­ticularly in the new economy. Even so, this conclusion is largely a matter of theory and faith, rather than the result of detailed empirical analysis. Economists have made little progress in solving the tricky problem of how to measure human capital, even within the same country over time, let alone for comparisons between countries. Levels of spending on, say, education are not necessarily a good indicator of how much human capital an education system is creating; indeed, some economists argue that higher education spending may be a consequence of a country becoming wealthy rather than a cause. Never the less, even modest estimates of the stock of human capital in most countries suggests that it would pay to greatly increase investment in medical technologies that would extend the working lives of most people. The non-economic benefits would be worth having, too.
Human development index
 Calculated since 1990 by the united nations development programme, the human development index quantifies a country's development in terms of such things as education, length of life and clean water, as well as income. Since the mid-1970s, the quality of life for humans throughout the world has improved enormously overall. America's human development index rose by around one-tenth between 1975 and 2001, for example. More spectacularly, during the same period, china's rose by around 40% and indonesia's by nearly 50%. Even so, in 2001, some 54 countries were poorer than in 1990, and in 34, mostly in africa and the former soviet union, life expectancy had fallen, reversing an impressive long-term trend, largely because of the hiv/aids epidemic and crime. Some 21 countries had a lower overall human development index in 2003 than in 1990.
 Although people debate when, precisely, very rapid inflation turns into ­hyper-inflation (a 100% or more increase in prices a year, perhaps?) Nobody questions that it wreaks huge economic damage. After the first world war, german prices at one point were rising at a rate of 23,000% a year before the country’s economic system collapsed, creating a political opportunity grasped by the nazis. In former yugoslavia in 1993, prices rose by around 20% a day. Typically, hyper-inflation quickly leads to a complete loss of confidence in a country’s currency, and causes people to search for other forms of money that are a better store of value. These may include physical assets, gold and foreign currency. Hyper-inflation might be easier to live with if it was stable, as people could plan on the basis that prices would rise at a fast but predictable rate. However, there are no examples of stable hyper-inflation, precisely because it occurs only when there is a crisis of confidence across the economy, with all the behavioural unpredictability this implies.
 It may be a clever way to get around public hostility to paying more in taxation. If people are told that a specific share of their income tax will go to some popular cause, say education or health, they may be more willing to cough up. At the very least they may be forced to make more informed decisions about the trade-offs between taxes and public services. There is a downside, however. Hypothecated taxes may tie the hands of a government at times when the hypothecated revenue could be spent to better effect elsewhere in the public sector. Conversely, and perhaps more likely, hypothecated taxes may prove to be less hypothecated than the public is led to believe. Civil servants, doubtless under pressure from their political bosses, can usually find ways to fudge the definition of the specific purpose for which a tax is hypothecated, letting government regain control over how the money is spent.
 Traditionally, econo­mists believed that high unemployment was a ­cyclical phenomenon. Eventually, unemployment would cause people to lower their wage de­mands, and so new job opportunities would arise and unemployment would fall. More recently, however, economists have suggested that some unemployed people, especially the long-term jobless, can display hysteresis. They find it hard, perhaps impossible, to return to work, even when jobs become available. For instance, unemployed workers may gradually lose the motivation, self-confidence or the self-discipline, needed to get to the workplace and fulfil job requirements. Or their skills may become outdated and redundant. State benefits for the jobless may contribute to this hysteresis by making it easier from them to stay out of work.

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