मंगलवार, 6 नवंबर 2012

Nuclear plants of India


TAPS-1 (Tarapur, Maharashtra)
October 28, 1969
TAPS-2 (Tarapur, Maharashtra)
October 28, 1969
TAPS-3 (Tarapur, Maharashtra)
August 18, 2006
TAPS-4 (Tarapur, Maharashtra)
September 15, 2005
RAPS-1 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
December 16, 1973
RAPS-2(Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
April 1, 1981
RAPS-3 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
June 1, 2000
RAPS-4 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
December 23, 2000
RAPS-5 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
February 4, 2010
RAPS-6 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
March 31, 2010
MAPS-1 (Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu)
January 27, 1984
MAPS-2 (Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu)
March 21, 1986
NAPS-1 (Narora, Uttar Pradesh)
January 1, 1991
NAPS-2 (Narora, Uttar Pradesh)
July 1, 1992
KAPS-1 (Kakrapar, Gujarat)
May 6, 1993
KAPS-2 (Kakrapar, Gujarat)
September 1, 1995
KGS-1 (Kaiga, Karnataka)
November 6, 2000
KGS-2 (Kaiga, Karnataka)
May 6, 2000
KGS-3 (Kaiga, Karnataka)
May 6, 2007
KGS-4 (Kaiga, Karnataka)
November 27, 2010
KNPP-1 (Koodankulam, Tamil Nadu)
August 10, 2012
Total Capacity


 Under Construction

Unit Under Construction
Expected Date
KNPP-2 (Koodankulam, Tamil Nadu)
KAPS-3 (Kakrapar, Gujarat)
KAPS-4 (Kakrapar, Gujarat)
RAPS-7 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
RAPS-8 (Rawatbhata, Rajasthan)
Total Capacity



Unit proposed
Expected Date
Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project
European Pressurized Reactor
Total Capacity


A Introduction on Surya,Shaurya,Sagarika

The Surya missile was speculated to be an ICBM being developed by India. The first report about the Surya missile was published by The Nonproliferation Review in 1995.
According to a report published in The Nonproliferation Review, in the Winter of 1995, Surya  is the codename for the first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that India is reported to be developing. The DRDO is believed to have begun the project in 1994. This report has not been confirmed by any other sources until 2010. Officials of the Indian government have repeatedly denied the existence of the project.
According to the report, the Surya is an intercontinental-range, surface-based, solid and liquid propellant ballistic missile. The report further adds that Surya is the most ambitious project in India's Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme. The Surya is speculated to have a range between 10,000 to 16,000 kilometers. As the missile is yet to be developed, the specifications of the missile are not known and the entire program continues to remain highly secretive. It is believed to be a three-stage design, with the first two stages using solid propellants and the third-stage using liquid.
Class: ICBM
Lasing: Surface based, underwater based (in certain strategic areas) and submarine based is its most important aspect which may range above 10,000 km.
Length: 40.00 m.
Diameter: 1.1m.
Launch Weight: 55,000 kg.
Propulsion: First/second stage solid, third liquid.
Warhead Capabilities: 3-10 nuclear warheads of 250-750 kilotons each.
Status: Development/developed but to be tested.
In Service: 2015.
Range: 10,000 - 16,000 km.
The Shaurya missile is a canister launched hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile developed by the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for use by the Indian Armed Forces. It has a range of between 750 to 1900 km and is capable of carrying a payload of one ton conventional or nuclear warhead. It gives the potential to strike in the short-intermediate range against any adversary.
The Shaurya missile is speculated to be the land version of the under-water Sagarika K-15 missile, although DRDO officials have reportedly denied its connection with the K-15 program Shaurya is stored in a composite canister, which makes it much easier to store for long periods without maintenance as well as to handle and transport. It also houses the gas generator to eject the missile from the canister before its solid propellant motors take over to hurl it at the intended target.
Shaurya missiles can remain hidden or camouflaged in underground silos from enemy surveillance or satellites till they are fired from the special storage-cum-launch canisters. DRDO scientists admit that given Shaurya's limited range at present, either the silos will have to be constructed closer to India's borders or an extended range version will have to be developed. Defence scientists say the high-speed, two-stage Shaurya is highly maneuverable which also makes it less vulnerable to existing anti-missile defence systems. Shaurya can reach a velocity of Mach 7.5 even at low altitudes. On November 12 2008, the missile reached a velocity of Mach 5 as it crossed a distance of 300 km, with a surface temperature of 700° Celsius. The missile performed rolls to spread the heat uniformly on its surface. Flight time is between 500 seconds and 700 seconds. It has been described as a complex system with high-performance navigation and guidance systems, efficient propulsion systems, state-of-the-art control technologies and canisterised launch. It can be easily transported by road and launched by TEL. The missile, encased in a canister, is mounted on a single vehicle, which has only a driver’s cabin, and the vehicle itself is the launch platform. This “single vehicle solution” reduces its signature – it cannot be easily detected by satellites – and makes its deployment easy. The gas generator, located at the bottom of the canister, fires for about a second and a half. It produces high pressure gas, which expands and ejects the missile from the tube. The missile has six motors; the first one is the motor in the gas generator. The centerpiece of a host of new technologies incorporated in Shourya is its ring laser gyroscope and accelerometer. The ring laser gyroscope was tested & integrated by the Research Center Imarat (RCI) based in Hyderabad.
Shaurya missile was revealed to be designed specifically to be fired from submarines. A top DRDO scientist has confirmed this and further said that after taking off and reaching a height of about 50 km, the missile will start flying like a Hypersonic cruise missile. Once it reaches the target area it will maneuver towards the target before striking with an accuracy of 20 to 30 m within the target area.
Shaurya was first test fired on November 12, 2008. The missile was launched from an underground facility with an in-built canister from Complex-3 of the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur.The missile was successfully test-fired for the third time, from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, Orissa, on Saturday 24th September-2011, in its final configuration. The missile flew at 7.5 Mach, that is, 7.5 times the speed of sound and covered its full range of 700 km in 500 seconds. After this test, the missile is ready for production and induction into the Navy.
K-15 Sagarika  is a nuclear-capable submarine launched ballistic missile with a range of 700 kilometres (435 mi). It belongs to the K Missile family.
Development of the K-15 missile started in the late 1990s with the goal of building a submarine-launched ballistic missile for use with the Indian Navy nuclear-powered Arihant class submarines. Sagarika has a length of 10 metres (33 ft), diameter of 0.74 metres (2 ft 5 in), weighs 17 tonnes and can carry a payload of up to 1,000 kilograms (2,205 lb) over 700 kilometres (435 mi). It was developed at the DRDO’s missile complex in Hyderabad. The missile forms a part of the triad in India's nuclear deterrence, and will provide retaliatory nuclear strike capability.
The development of the underwater missile launcher, known as Project 420, was completed in 2001 and handed over to the Indian Navy for trials. The missile launcher is developed at Hazira in Gujarat.
The missile was successfully test fired seven times, and tested to its full range up to four times. The tests of February 26, 2008 was conducted from a submerged pontoon 50 metres (160 ft) beneath the surface off the coast of Visakhapatnam.
A land-based version of the K-15 Sagarika was successfully test-fired on November 12, 2008. The Sagarika missile is being integrated with India's nuclear-powered Arihant class submarine that began sea trials on the 26 July 2009.
The latest test of the K-15 missile was done on 11 March 2012. The missile was tested up to its full 700 KM range. 

सोमवार, 5 नवंबर 2012

अमेरिकी चुनाव प्रक्रिया

अमेरिकी चुनाव की प्रक्रिया बहुत लंबी होती है विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार राष्ट्रपति पद के चुनाव में सालों से केवल दो ही पार्टियों डेमोक्रेटिक और रिपब्लिक की ही भूमिका रहती है अमेरिकी चुनाव की शुरुआत प्राथमिक चुनाव से  हो जाती है।प्राथमिक से मतलब है जब अमेरिका के दो राजनीतिक दल रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी राष्ट्रपति पद के लिए अपने-अपने उम्मीदवारों का चुनाव करती हैं, और फिर आधिकारिक रूप से अपने उम्मीदवारों के नाम का ऐलान करती हैं अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति पद का चुनाव दो चरणों में बंटा होता है, प्राथमिक  और आम चुनाव. विभिन्न राज्यों में प्राथमिक चुनाव के जरिए पार्टियां अपने सबसे प्रबल दावेदार का पता लगाती हैं अमेरिका में राष्ट्रपति पद के लिये कोई दो बार से अधिक चुनाव नहीं लड़ सकता और डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी की ओर से मौजूदा राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा के मैदान में होने के कारण इस पार्टी की ओर से कोई प्राथमिक चुनाव इस बार नहीं हुए, लेकिन रिपब्लिकन पार्टी में प्राथमिक चुनाव हुए, जिसमें मिट रोमनी सबसे प्रबल दावेदार बनकर उभरे
अमेरिका चुनाव में प्राथमिक चुनाव का चरण पूरा हो चुका है।प्राथमिक चुनाव को राष्ट्रपति चुनाव से पूर्व की प्रक्रिया के रूप में समझा जा सकता है इसके तहत रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी अपने अपने उम्मीदवार चुनते हैंइसके लिए सभी राज्य अपने अपने तरीकों से चुनाव कराते हैं. अमेरिका में प्राथमिक चुनाव भी दो तरीकों से होता है, पहला-प्राथमिक,और दूसरा कॉकस
प्राथमिक तरीका ज्यादा परंपरागत है और अधिकतकर राज्यों में इसे ही अपनाया जाता है इसमें आम नागरिक हिस्सा लेते हैं और पार्टी को बताते हैं कि उनकी पसंद का उम्मीदवार कौन सा हैवही, कॉकस चुनाव प्रक्रिया का प्रयोग ज्यादतर उन राज्यों में होता है, जहां पर पार्टी के गढ़ होते हैं कॉकस में ज्यादातर पार्टी के पारंपरिक वोटर ही हिस्सा लेते हैं. जैसे इस बारप्राथमिक चुनाव की शुरुआत कॉकस प्रक्रिया से हुई थी और सबसे पहला कॉकस चुनाव आयोवा प्रांत में हुआ थाअमेरिका में दो ही प्रमुख राजनीतिक दल हैं : डेमोक्रेट और रिपब्लिक और 1869 से देश का राष्ट्रपति इन्हीं दो प्रमुख पार्टियों से रहा है. कांग्रेस की 535 सीटों में से 533 सीटों पर इन्हीं दोनों दलों का कब्जा है इस समय सीनेट में डेमोक्रेट्स का तो प्रतिनिधि सभा में रिपब्लिकन का कब्जा है
प्रत्येक राज्य के मतदाता अपने अपने उम्मीदवार के डेलीगेट के नाम वोट देते हैं और फिर वो डेलीगेट अपनी अपनी पार्टी नेशनल कन्वेंशन में एकत्रित होते हैं और सभी राज्यों से जिस प्रत्याशी के डेलीगेट ज्यादा होते हैं उसे उम्मीदवार घोषित कर दिया जाता है रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी प्राथमिक चुनाव के जरिए अपने -अपने उम्मीदवार चुनते हैं और पार्टी की नेशनल कन्वेंशन में आधिकारिक रूप से अपने अपने प्रत्याशियों का ऐलान करते हैं आमतौर पर अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव का प्राथमिक चुनाव फरवरी से मार्च के बीच होता है और फिर कुछ सप्ताह बाद ही पार्टियां उम्मीदवार का ऐलान कर देती हैं यहां से चुनाव प्रचार शुरू होता है और फिर चुनाव का दिन आता है, जो कि सुपर ट्यूसडे को ही होता है. सुपर ट्यूसडे अमेरिकी चुनाव की परंपरा से जुड़ा है और ये नवंबर के पहले सप्ताह में आता है इसी दिन राष्ट्रपति चुनाव होता है. जैसे इस बार 6 नवबंर को मंगलवार के दिन अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव होगाजीतने के लिए किसी भी उम्मीदवार को कम से कम 270 वोट की जरूरत है बराक ओबामा देश के 43वें राष्ट्रपति हैं और अभी तक का इतिहास बताता है कि 20 राष्ट्रपति फिर से राष्ट्रपति पद पर सत्तासीन होने में सफल रहे हैंप्राथमिक चुनाव यानी अपनी पार्टी में उम्मीदवारी की रेस जीतने के बाद जब दोनों प्रत्याशी इलेक्शन डे में आमने सामने आते हैं और जनता वोट देती है इलेक्शन डे के मतदान का तरीका भी प्राइमरी के जैसा ही है. जैसे वहां डेलीगेट चुने जाते हैं ठीक वैसे ही इलेक्शन डे में इलेक्टर्स चुने जाते हैं. इसे इलेक्टोरल कॉलेज कहा जाता है यानी ऐसा समूह जिसे अमेरिकी जनता चुनती है और फिर वो राष्ट्रपति की जीत का ऐलान करते हैं

अमेरिकी इलेक्ट्रोरल कॉलेज में 538 इलेक्टर्स होते हैं. अब सवाल ये आता है कि ये संख्या 538 ही क्यों है, दरअसल ये संख्या अमेरिका के दोनों सदनों की संख्या का जोड़ है। अमेरिकी सदन हाउस ऑफ रिप्रजेंटेटिव्स यानी प्रतिनिधि सभा और सीनेट का जोड़ है प्रतिनिधि सभा में 435 सदस्य होते हैं, जबकि सीनेट में 100 सांसद. इन दोनों सदनों को मिलाकर संख्या होती है 535. अब इसमें 3 सदस्य और जोड़ दीजिए और ये तीन सदस्य आते हैं अमेरिका के 51वें राज्य कोलंबिया से. इस तरह कुल 538 इलेक्टर्स अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति चुनते हैं

इस साल अमेरिका में 6 नवंबर को ही राष्ट्रपति पद के लिए होने वाले चुनाव में ही इलेक्टोरल कॉलेज उपराष्ट्रपति पद के लिए भी मतदान करेगा। कोई भी इलेक्टर दोनों पदों के लिए एक ही स्टेट के उम्मीदवारों को वोट नहीं दे सकता है। चुनाव के इस तरीके से उप राष्ट्रपति पद के उम्मीदवार द्वारा राष्ट्रपति पद के उम्मीदवार को चुनौती देने की संभावना खत्म हो गई। 1804 से पहले उपराष्ट्रपति का चुनाव भी इलेक्टोरल कॉलेज ही करता था, लेकिन तब अलग-अलग मत नहीं डाले जाते थे। तब जिसे सबसे ज्यादा वोट मिलते था, वह राष्ट्रपति बनता था। दूसरे नंबर पर रहने वाला व्यक्ति उपराष्ट्रपति चुना जाता था।

Prithvi Missiles

Prithvi is a tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) developed by DRDO of India under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program. The Government of India launched the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program in 1983 to achieve self-sufficiency in the development and production of wide range of Ballistic Missiles, Surface to Air Missiles etc. Prithvi was the first missile to be developed under the Program. DRDO attempted to build Surface-to-air Missile under Project Devil.
Variants make use of either liquid or both liquid and solid fuels. Developed as a battle field missile, it could carry a nuclear warhead in its role as a tactical nuclear weapon. The Prithvi missile project encompassed developing 3 variants for use by the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy. The initial project framework of the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program outlines the variants in the following manner.

Prithvi I (SS-150) - Army Version (150 km range with a payload of 1,000 kg)
Prithvi II (SS-250) - Air Force Version (250 km range with a payload of 500 kg)
Prithvi III (SS-350) - Naval Version (350 km range with a payload of 1000 kg)

Dhanush- Dhanush is reportedly a naval version of Prithvi which can be launched from ships. Some sources claim that Dhanush is a system consisting of stabilization platform and missiles, which has the capability to launch both Prithvi II and Prithvi III from Ships while others report that Dhanush is a variant of Prithvi-II ballistic missile.
Over the years these specifications underwent a number of changes. While the codename Prithvi stands for any missile inducted by India into its armed forces in this category, the later developmental versions are codenamed as Prithvi II and Prithvi III.

Prithvi : Prithvi I class was a surface-to-surface missile having a maximum warhead mounting capability of 1,000 kg, with a range of 150 km. It has an accuracy of 10 – 50 meters and can be launched from Transporter erector launchers. This class of Prithvi missile was inducted into the Indian Army in 1994.

Prithvi II: Prithvi II class is also a single stage liquid-fuelled missile having a maximum warhead mounting capability of 500 kg, but with an extended range of 250 kilometers. It was developed with the Indian Air Force being the primary user. It was first test-fired on January 27, 1996 and the development stages were completed in 2004. This variant has been inducted in to the Army as well. In a recent test, the Missile was launched with an extended range of 350 kilometers and improved Aided Inertial Navigation. The missile has the features to deceive Anti-Ballistic Missiles. After a failed test on 24 September 2010 two more missiles were launched on December 22, 2010 which proved to be complete success. Two missiles aimed at two different targets, met all the mission objectives. It was a copy book success." According to news sources the range is now increased to 350 km and the payload capacity now ranges between 500 to 1000 kg. A test firing on 9 June 2011 at the Interim Test Range in Chandipur was successful with the missile reaching an accuracy of better than 10 meters. Prithvi II was successfully test fired again on 25 August, 2012 covering its full range of 350 kilometers, and again on 4 October 2012 yielding same results.

Prithvi III: Prithvi III class (codenamed Dhanush meaning Bow) is a two-stage ship-to-surface missile. The first stage is solid fuelled with a 16 metric ton force (157 kN) thrust motor. The second stage is liquid fuelled. The missile can carry a 1,000 kg warhead to a distance of 350 km and a 500 kg warhead to a distance of 600 kilometers and a 250 kilogram warhead up to a distance of 750 kilometers. Dhanush is a system consisting of a stabilization platform (Bow) and the Missile (Arrow). Supposedly it is a customised version of the Prithvi and that the additional customizations in missile configuration are to certify it for sea worthiness. Dhanush has to be launched from a hydraulically stabilized launch pad. Its low range acts against it and thus it is seen a weapons either to be used to destroy an aircraft carrier or an enemy port. The missile has been tested from the surface ships many times.
Prithvi III was first tested in 2000 from INS Subhadra, a Sukanya class patrol craft. The missile was launched from an updated, reinforced helicopter deck of the vessel. The first flight test of the 250 km variant was only partially successful. The full operational testing was completed in 2004.[13] The following year in December an enhanced 350 km version of the missile was tested from the INS Rajput and successfully hit a land based target. The missile was again successfully tested-fired from INS Subhadra anchored about 35 km offshore from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur on December 13, 2009. It was the sixth test of the missile. Up to now this missile has not been deployed largely for logistical deficiencies. It requires explosive liquid fuel which is hard to store. Its accuracy is also supposed to be less than that of Brahmos. Plus it cannot be launched vertically which forces all missiles to be stored on the surface of the ship. Vertically launched missiles can be stored internally in the hull of a ship. This deficiency also means that it will not be used in submarines or underwater systems.

कुल पेज दृश्य