बुधवार, 23 जनवरी 2013

भारतीय सिनेमा

आज भारत विश्व में सर्वाधिक फिल्में निर्मित करनेवाला देश है लेकिन देश में सिनेमा की शुरुआत आसान नहीं रही। आज हमारा सिनेमा जिस मुकाम पर है, उसे वहां तक पहुंचने के लिए जाने कितनी मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ा है और कितना प्रयास करना पड़ा है। भारत में फिल्मों के जन्म से लेकर उसके निरंतर क्रमिक विकास की कहानी जानने के लिए बहुत पीछे जाना होगा।

7 जुलाई 1896,बंबई का वाटसन थिएटर। लुमीयर ब्रादर्स नामक दो फ्रांसीसी अपनी फिल्में लेकर भारत आये। उक्त थिएटर में उनका प्रीमियर हुआ। प्रीमियर करीब 200 लोगों ने देखा। टिकट दर थी दो रुपये प्रति व्यक्ति। यह उन दिनों एक बड़ी रकम थी। एक सप्ताह बाद इनकी ये फिल्में बाकायादा नावेल्टी थिएटर में प्रदर्शित की गयीं। बंबई का यह थिएटर बाद में एक्सेल्सियर सिनेमा के नाम से मशहूर हुआ। रोज इन फिल्मों के दो से तीन शो किये जाते थे, टिकट दर थी दो आना से लेकर दो रुपये तक। इनमें 12 लघु फिल्में दिखायी जाती थीं। इनमें ‘अराइवल आफ ए ट्रेन’, ‘द सी बाथ’ तथा ‘ले़डीज एंड सोल्जर्स आन ह्वील’ प्रमुख थीं। लुमीयर बंधुओं ने जब भारतीयों को पहली बार सिनेमा से परिचित कराया तो लोग बेजान तसवीरों को चलता-फिरता देख दंग रह गये। एक बार इन फिल्मो को लोकप्रियता मिली , तो भारत में बाहर से फिल्में आने और प्रदर्शित होने लगीं।1904 में मणि सेठना ने भारत का पहला सिनेमाघर बमाया, जो विशेष रूप से फिल्मों के प्रदर्शन के लिए ही बनाया गया था। इसमें नियमित फिल्मों का प्रदर्शन होने लगा। उसमें सबसे पहले विदेश से आयी दो भागों मे बनी फिल्म ‘द लाइफ आफ क्राइस्ट’ प्रदर्शित की गयी। यही वह फिल्म थी जिसने भारतीय सिनेमा के पितामह दादा साहब फालके को भारत में सिनेमा की नींव रखने को प्रेरित किया।

हालांकि स्वर्गीय दादा साहब फालके को भारतीय सिनेमा का जनक होने और पूरी लंबाई के कथाचित्र बनाने का गौरव हासिल है लेकिन उनसे पहले भी महाराष्ट्र में फिल्म निर्माण के कई प्रयास हुए। लुमीयर बंधुओं की फिल्मों के प्रदर्शन के एक वर्ष के भीतर सखाराम भाटवाडेकर उर्फ सवे दादा ने फिल्म बनाने की कोशिश की। उन्होंने पुंडलीक और कृष्ण नाहवी के बीच कुश्ती फिल्मायी थी। यह कुश्ती इसी उद्देश्य से विशेष रूप से बंबई के हैंगिंग गार्डन में आयोजित की गयी थी। शूटिंग के बाद फिल्म को प्रोसेसिंग के लिए इंग्लैंड भेजा गया। वहां से जब वह फिल्म प्रोसेस होकर आयी तो सवे दादा अपने काम का नतीजा देख कर बहुत खुश हुए। पहली बार यह फिल्म रात के वक्त बंबई के खुले मैदान में दिखायी गयी। उसके बाद उन्होंने अपनी यह फिल्म पेरी थिएटर में प्रदर्शित की । टिकट की दर थी आठ आना से तीन रुपये तक। अकसर हर शो में उनको 300 रुपये तक मिल जाते थे। उन्होने भगवान कृष्ण के जीवन पर भी एक फिल्म बनाने का निश्चय किया था लेकिन भाई की मौत ने उन्हें तोड़ दिया। उन्होंने अपना कैमरा बेच दिया और फिल्म निर्माण बंद कर दिया।
इसके बाद 1911 में अनंतराम परशुराम कशंडीकर, एस एन पाटंकर और वी पी दिवाकर ने यह कोशिश जारी रखी। 1920 में इन्होंने बालगंगाधर तिलक की अंत्येष्टि की फिल्म बनायी। 1912 में उन्होंने 1000 फुट की एक फिल्म ‘ सावित्री’ बनायी। यह धार्मिक फिल्में बनाने की शुरुआत थी। नारायण गोविंद चित्रे और आर पी टिपणीस ने दादा साहब तोर्ने के निर्देशन में नाटक ‘ पुंडलीक ’ फिल्मा डाला और इसे 1909 में कोरोनेशन थिएटर बंबई में प्रदर्शित किया गया। कलकत्ता में हीरालाल सेन, धीरेन गांगुली, मद्रास में नटराज मुदलियार, महाराष्ट्र में बाबूराव पेंटर तथा अन्य लोग भी इस दिशा में सक्रिय थे। 

सिनेमा की लोकप्रियता बढ़ी, तो धीरे-धीरे कुछ सिनेमाघर भी बनने लगे। चूंकि वह अवाक फिल्मों का युग था इसलिए कहीं-कहीं पर सिनेमा प्रोजेक्टर का आपरेटर दर्शकों को समझाने के लिए फिल्म की कहानी उसी तरह बताता जाता था, जिस तरह आजकल कमेंटेटर खेल का आंखों देखा हाल बताता है। जब खलनायक के चंगुल में फंसी नायिका सहायता के लिए चिल्लाती और नायक घोड़ा दौड़ाता हुआ आता, तो आपरेटर घोड़ों की टापों की आवाज सुनाते हुए बताता-अब आ रहा है नायिका का बहादुर प्रेमी, जो खलनायक को मार-मार कर भुरता बना देगा। कभी-कभी फिल्म के संवाद परदे पर लिखे दिखते थे। अगर फिल्म की कहानी आगे छलांग लगवानी होती तो बीच की घटनाएं लिख कर बता दी जाती थीं। 

अवाक फिल्मों के जमाने में लोग चलती-फिरती तसवीरों का आनंद लेने जाते थे। फिल्म में कौन काम कर रहा है, इसके प्रति उनका विशेष आकर्षण नहीं था। कलाकारों की लोकप्रियता तो तब बढ़ी , जब फिल्में बोलने लगीं । प्रारंभ में धार्मिक फिल्में ही ज्यादा बनती थीं। भारत की पहली फिल्म ‘राजा हरिश्चंद्र’(1913) भी धार्मिक फिल्म थी। उस समय की कुछ प्रमुख अवाक धार्मिक फिल्में थीं फालके फिल्म कंपनी की- राजा हरिश्चंद्र, भस्मासुर मोहनी, सत्यवान-सावित्री और लंका दहन, हिंदुस्तान फिल्म कंपनी की –कृष्ण जन्म, कालिया मर्दन, बालि-सुग्रीव, नल-दमयंती, परशुराम, दक्ष प्रजापति, सत्यभामा विवाह, द्रौपदी वस्त्रहरण, जरासंध वध, शिशुपाल वध, लव-कुश, सती महानंदा और सेतुबंधन, महाराष्ट्र फिल्म कंपनी की- वत्सला हरण, गज गौरी, कृष्णावतार, सती पद्मिनी, सावित्री, मुरलीवाला तथा लंका, प्रभात फिल्म कंपनी की-गोपालकृष्ण। इसके अलावा कुछ और प्रयास हुए, जिनमें दादा साहब फालके की 1932 में बनी अवाक फिल्म ‘ श्यामसुंदर’।

धार्मिक फिल्मों के बाद ऐतिहासिक फिल्मों का दौर आया। यह भी काफी लंबा खिंचा। रंजीत स्टूडियो ने 1934 में ‘राजपूतानी’ पेश की। इतिहास के प्रसिद्ध चरित्रों और घटनाओं पर फिल्में बनने लगीं। उस वक्त देश का माहौल ऐसा था, जिसमें ऐसी फिल्में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिकाएं निभा सकती थीं। वी. शांताराम ने एक फिल्म निर्देशित की ‘उदय काल’ जिसका नाम उन्होंने ‘फ्लैग आफ फ्रीडम’ (स्वराज्य तोरण) रखा। भला अंग्रेज सरकार को यह नाम क्यों भाने लगा। इस नाम पर एतराज हुआ और यह फिल्म ‘थंडर आफ हिल्स’ बन गयी। यह फिल्म वी. शांताराम ने प्रभात फिल्म कंपनी के बैनर में बनायी थी और इसमें उनकी शिवाजी की भूमिका की बड़ी प्रशंसा हुई थी। 18 नवंबर 1901 को महाराष्ट्र के कोल्हापुर में जन्में वणकुद्रे शांताराम ने 12 वर्ष की अल्पायु में गंधर्व नाटक मंडली कोल्हापुर में छोटी-छोटी भूमिकाओं से अपना कैरियर शुरू किया। धीरे-धीरे अपनी मेहनत और लगन से आगे बढ़ते गये। 1929 में उन्होंने कोल्हापुर में प्रभात फिल्म कंपनी चार अन्य लोगों की मदद से स्थापित की। इसके अंतर्गत उन्होंने ‘माई क्वीन’ (रानी साहिबा) , ‘फाइटिंग ब्लेड (खूनी खंजर), चंद्रसेना और स्टोलन ब्राइड (जुल्म) बनायी। उनकी ये सभी फिल्में अवाक थीं।1931 में पहली बोलती फिल्म थी अरदेशिर ईरानी द्वारा बनाई गई आलम आरा। यह फिल्म काफी ज्यादा लोकप्रिय रही।‘आलमआरा’ से नयी क्रांति आयी। फिल्मों ने बोलना सीख लिया। अब तक फिल्में शैशव को पीछे छोड़ किशोरावस्था में पहुंच चुकी थीं। बोलती फिल्मों का युग आया , तो शांताराम की फिल्मों का भी नया दौर आया। उनकी पहली बोलती फिल्म थी ‘अयोध्या का राजा’ (1932)। 1942 में उन्होंने बंबई में राजकमल कलामंदिर की स्थापना की। प्रभात फिल्म कंपनी के बैनर में ‘जलती निशानी’, ‘सैरंध्री’, ‘अमृत मंथन’, ‘धर्मात्मा’, ‘अमर ज्योति’, के अलावा ‘दुनिया न माने’, ‘आदमी’ और ‘पड़ोसी’ जैसी सोद्देश्य फिल्में देने के बाद उन्होंने राजकमल कलामंदिर के बैनर तले ‘शकुंतला’, ‘माली’, ‘पर्वत पर अपना डेरा’, ‘डाक्टर कोटणीस की अमर कहानी’, ‘मतवाला शायर’, ‘अंधों की दुनिया’, ‘बनवासी’, ‘भूल’, ‘अपना देश’, ‘दहेज’, ‘परछाईं’, ‘अमर भोपाली’, ‘सुंरग’, ‘सुबह का तारा’, ‘झनक झनक पायल बाजे’, ‘तूफान और दिया’, ‘दो आंखें और बारह हाथ’, ‘नवरग’, ‘फूल और कलियां’, ‘स्त्री’, ‘सेहरा’, ‘गीत गाया पत्थरों ने’, ‘लड़की सहयाद्री की’,‘बूंद जो बन गयी मोती’, ‘जल बिन मछली नृत्य बिन बिजली’ बनायी। शांताराम की फिल्मों की एक विशेषता रही है कि वे हर मायने में औरों से अलग होतीं। प्रस्तुतीकरण में नवीनता, संगीत में नवीनता और गायन में भी नवीनता।
‘रामशास्त्री’ प्रभात चित्र ने उस वक्त बनायी थी, जब वी. शांताराम प्रभात को छोड़ चुके थे। यह फिल्म पेशवाओं के युग के इतिहास पर आधारित भारत की श्रेष्ठ ऐतिहासिक फिल्म थी। इतने ऊंचे स्तर की ऐतिहासिक फिल्म उसके बाद नहीं बनायी जा सकी। इस फिल्म को देख कर ही सत्यजित राय फिल्म निर्माण के लिए प्रेरित हुए। पेशवाओं के शासन के वक्त की सही स्थिति को फिल्म में पेश करने का पूरी ईमानदारी से प्रयास किया गया था। कहते हैं कि निर्माता एस फत्तेहलाल ने इसकी शूटिंग की हुई कई हजार फुट फिल्म रद्द करने की जिद की थी, क्योंकि उनका विश्वास था कि यह फिल्म उतनी व्यावसायिक नहीं बन पायी, जितना वे चाहते थे। इसकी पटकथा और संवाद शिवराम वासीकर ने लिखे थे। कोई ऐतिहासिक चूक न रह जाये , इसके लिए पटकथा लेखन के वक्त प्रख्यात इतिहासकारों तक से सलाह ली गयी थी। इस फिल्म में संस्कृत के विद्वान रामशास्त्री द्वारा सत्तालोलुप पेशवा को सन्मार्ग पर लाने के प्रयास की कहानी कही गयी थी। इस फिल्म के तीन निर्देशक थे। इसकी शुरुआती शूटिंग के कुछ अरसा बाद ही राजा नेने ने प्रभात छोड़ दिया। इसके बाद विश्राम बेड़कर ने निर्देशन संभाला, लेकिन उन्होंने भी यह कंपनी छोड़ दी। अंततः गजानन जागीरदार के निर्देशन में यह फिल्म पूरी हुई। गजानन जागीरदार ने इसमें रामशास्त्री की भूमिका भी की थी। ललिता पवार आनंदीबाई बनी थीं । रामशास्त्री के बचपन की भूमिका में अनंत मराठे ने और पत्नी की भूमिका बेबी शकुंतला ने निभायी थी। सप्रू पेशवा माधवराव बने थे। वैसे भारत की पहली ऐतिहासिक फिल्म ‘नूरजहां’ 1932 में बनायी गयी थी। इसका निर्माण अर्देशीर ईरानी ने किया था। इस फिल्म का निर्देशन हालीवुड में फिल्म निर्माण का व्यावहारिक ज्ञान प्राप्त करने वाले एजरा मीर ने किया था। यह पहले अवाक फिल्म के रूप में बनायी गयी थी। बाद में बोलती फिल्मों का युग आते ही इसके कुछ खास हिस्से हिंदी और अंग्रेजी भाषा में डब कर दिये गये। इसके मुख्य कलाकार थे –मजहर खान (पुराने) जमशेदजी , जिल्लू न्यामपल्ली, मुबारक और विमला। इस फिल्म के दोनों संस्करण (हिंदी-अंग्रेजी) बाक्स आफिस पर पिट गये। इसके बाद रमाशंकर चौधरी की फिल्म ‘अनारकली’ आयी। यह भी कोई प्रभाव नहीं छोड़ सकी।हालांकि अवाक ‘अनारकली’ खूब चली थी। ऐतिहासिक फिल्मों को नयी जान दी सोहराब मोदी की फिल्म ‘पुकार’ (1939)ने । यह फिल्म बेहद कामयाब रही। और इसने ऐतिहासिक फिल्मों के लिए नयी राह खोल दी। मिनर्वा मूवीटोन की इस फिल्म में चंद्रशेखर, नसीम बानो, सोहराब मोदी और सरदार अख्तर ने प्रमुख भूमिकाएं निभायी थीं। यह फिल्म जहांगीर की इंसाफपरस्ती को दरसाती थी। सोहराब मोदी ने सर्वाधिक ऐतिहासिक फिल्में बनायीं। इनमें –सिकंदर, पृथ्वीवल्लभ, झांसी की रानी, मिर्जा गालिब, एक दिन का सुलतान, शीशमहल तथा राजहठ शामिल हैं। 
 अन्य उल्लेखनीय ऐतिहासिक फिल्में हैं-के आसिफ कृत स्टर्लिंग इन्वेस्टमेंट कारपोरेशन लिमिटेड की अविस्मरणीय फिल्म ‘मुगले आजम’। इसमें दिलीप कुमार , मधुबाला, पृथ्वीराज कपूर और दुर्गा खोटे की प्रमुख भूमिकाएं थीं। संगीतकार नौशाद ने इसका बड़ा ही पुरअसर और कर्णप्रिय संगीत दिया था। सलीम और अनारकली की प्रेमकथा पर आधारित कई फिल्में बनीं, जिनमें एक फिल्मिस्तान की ‘अनारकली’ भी थी। इसमें प्रदीप कुमार और वीणा राय की प्रमुख भूमिकाएं थीं। संगीतकार सी. रामचंद्र ने इसका बड़ा सुरीला संगीत दिया था। इसके गीत बहुत लोकप्रिय हुए थे। यह फिल्म भी बहुत सफल हुई थी। इस जोड़ी की एक और सफल फिल्म थी ‘ताजमहल’। इसके अलावा ऐतिहासिक कथानक पर कई फिल्में बनती रहीं। यहां तक कि सत्यजित राय की ‘शतरंज का खिलाड़ी’ तक यह सिलसिला चलता रहा। कमाल अमरोही ने ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि पर ‘ रजिया सुलतान’ बनायी जिसमें धर्मेंद्र और हेमा मालिनी की प्रमुख भूमिकाएं थीं। 

मंगलवार, 22 जनवरी 2013

Crisis in Syria

Massive human rights violations in Syria have been committed as Syrian security forces have responded to protestors with extreme violence, resulting in an estimated death toll of over 5,400, according to the UN. Evidence of systematic acts of brutality, including torture and arbitrary arrests, point to a clear policy by Syrian military and civilian leadership amounting to crimes against humanity. Under international law, commanders are responsible for the commission of international crimes by their subordinates if the commanders knew about the violations. In keeping with the norm of the Responsibility to Protect, UN Member States, regional organizations and governments must urgently work together towards an end to the violence.
 Background to the crisis in Syria
Protests asking for the release of political prisoners began mid-March 2011 and were immediately met by Syrian security forces who at first detained and attacked protestors with batons, and later opened gunfire, and deployed tanks and naval ships against civilians. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad refused to halt the violence and implement meaningful reforms demanded by protestors such as the lifting of emergency law, broader political representation and a freer media. Assad continued to deny responsibility for the attacks on protestors, placing the blame for the violence on armed groups and foreign conspirators instead. On 16 February President Assad called for a referendum to be held on 26 February that would end single party rule in Syria; however governments, such as the United States, analysts, and members of the opposition expressed reluctance that the promise of political reform would be upheld, and noted that conducting a referendum during such a crisis was not a necessary course of action to end the violence.
As the conflict wore on, demands grew more splintered and protestors began to organize. One of the main opposition groups, the Syrian National Council (SNC), is an umbrella organization that was formed by activists in Istanbul on 24 August. The SNC has received economic support from Turkey, who hosts an SNC office. The organization also met with the United Kingdom and United States. The SNC called for the Syrian government to be overthrown by a united opposition, rejected dialogue with Assad, and, though officially against military intervention, requested international protection of the population. In contrast, another main group, the National Co-ordination Committee (NCC) advocated for dialogue with the government, believing that toppling the Assad regime would lead to further chaos. On 31 December, these two groups signed an agreement to unite against the government. Another group, the Free Syrian Army, comprised of an estimated 15,000 defected Syrian soldiers, executed retaliatory attacks against Syrian forces.
 UN High Commission for Human Rights Navi Pillay marked the death toll at more than 5,000 when she briefed the UN Security Council in early December. Between 26 December 2011, when independent monitors mandated by the Arab League arrived in Syria, and 10 January 2012, there were at least 400 deaths, according to UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynne Pascoe. Though the death toll continued to increase with the ongoing violence in the months following, the UN stopped releasing estimates in January 2012 given the growing difficulty to verify casualties.
Humanitarian situation in Syria worsens amid continued violence
Clashes between government forces and the Syrian opposition continued into April 2012, despite efforts by the international community to end the violence. The appointment of Kofi Annan as UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy to Syria led to a 16 March presentation to the Security Council of a six-point plan, which included a ceasefire deadline of 10 April, the end of government troop movements towards population centers, the withdrawal of heavy weapons and troop withdrawal. Contrary to skepticism from the international community - including France and the United States - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accepted Annan’s proposal for the ceasefire. The Security Council, after being briefed by Annan on 2 April, issued a presidential statement on 5 April in support of the plan and calling on the government to follow through on its pledge, and on all parties to cease armed violence. Additional demands made by the Syrian government on 8 April - including a written ceasefire agreement and observer mission deployment occurring simultaneously with the ceasefire – were refused by the Syrian opposition; the armed opposition group Free Syrian Army warned they would resume attacks if the government did not adhere to ceasefire deadlines.
Despite the 10 April deadline – and complete ceasefire deadline of 12 April - set by Kofi Annan, attacks continued with no sign of troop withdrawal. According to Syrian National Council representatives in Geneva, over 1,000 civilians were killed in the first two weeks of April, with shelling and mortar fire in the northern village of Marea and the city of Homs on 10 April. Reports from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch highlighted ongoing rights abuses, from the arrest of minors to extrajudicial executions. The impact of the conflict began taking its toll on the countries bordering Syria, with over 24,000 Syrians occupying the Turkish refugee camp of Kilis, which reportedly came under fire from government forces on 9 April; meanwhile Lebanese opposition leader Amin Gemayel has voiced concern that the fighting could spill over into Lebanon.
 Crimes against humanity perpetrated by Syrian government  
The Syrian government’s violent response to protests since mid-March has left over 5,400 people dead as of 10 January 2012, including at least 300 children, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Thousands more have been wounded, arbitrarily arrested, tortured and disappeared as protestors and their families within and outside of Syria have been targeted. Under-Secretary-General B. Lynn Pascoe informed Security Council members on 27 April 2011 that sources in Syria were “consistently reporting the use of artillery fire against unarmed civilians; door-to-door arrest campaigns; the shooting of medical personnel who attempt to aid the wounded; raids against hospitals, clinics and mosques and the purposeful destruction of medical supplies and arrest of medical personnel.” Over ten thousand refugees fled the country since March, many to Lebanon and Turkey, as noted in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Commission of Inquiry’s report to the General Assembly published on 23 November 2011. Amnesty International stated in its 24 October report that wounded civilians seeking medical treatment in at least four hospitals faced torture and other forms of ill-treatment from security officials and medical staff. Additionally, medical professionals attempting to help the wounded engaged in protests were threatened with arrest and torture. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported as early as June that the attacks by the government reached the level of crimes against humanity in multiple cities across Syria, such as Daraa and Homs. Later on 15 December HRW named over 70 Syrian commanders who imposed a ‘shoot to kill’ policy against protestors, making clear that these crimes were knowingly committed against the civilian population. In January 2012, violence in Syria escalated as evidenced by reports of a “massacre” in the district of Karm al-Zeitoun on 26 January which resulted in the death of more than 74 Syrian citizens over two days. Further reports were released by HRW on 3 February stating that authorities had detained and tortured children with impunity.
Access denied to monitoring and humanitarian groups
As President Bashar al-Assad deployed troops and tanks to meet protesters with deadly force, he compromised civilian access to necessities including food, water and medical supplies. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) raised awareness of the forced humanitarian crisis in its 28 July report, Bashar Al Assad: Criminal Against Humanity. A 25 October Amnesty International report provided detailed findings that civilian access to hospitals was also limited by the ongoing violence and by government control of medical staff and facilities. President Assad blocked access to the country of most outside humanitarian and human rights groups, the OHCHR fact-finding mission and the OHCHR Commission of Inquiry. Information from within Syria on the state of the humanitarian crisis remained limited as a result of the refusal of entry for journalists as well as cracking down on internet and social media use. 
Following weeks of negotiations, the Syrian government agreed on 19 December to allow an independent monitoring mission full freedom of movement within Syria as part of a peace initiative brokered by the League of Arab States. However, shortly after the mission began reports emerged stating that the Syrian government was obstructing monitors’ access. Human Rights Watch reported on 27 December that Syrian security forces were moving detainees to more sensitive military sites where access to monitors would not be readily provided. HRW also reported that military personnel had in some cases been given police identification cards, violating the terms of the Arab League initiative for Syrian troop withdrawal. On 5 January, Syrian activists claimed the Syrian government was deceiving observers, who had begun their mission on 26 December, by painting military vehicles to look like police cars and taking observers to areas loyal to the government.
 Responses to the Syrian Government’s Use of Force
The international community grew increasingly alarmed as the violence in Syria escalated. However, compared to the crisis in Libya, which saw widespread international support behind an early response, regional and international organizations proved more hesitant in responding to the political and humanitarian crisis in Syria.
The League of Arab States
The League of Arab States initially remained passive in its response to the Syrian government’s crackdown, stressing that it would not take action itself in response to the crisis. The League issued a statement on 25 April that condemned the use of violence against protestors in Arab countries without highlighting Syria or proposing any measures to end human rights violations. Eventually, on 7 August, the League released a statement calling for a “serious dialogue” between Syrian authorities and protestors.
As the conflict wore on, the League took a stronger position. On 10 September Secretary-General of the League Nabil El Araby met with President Assad and urged him to stop all violent attacks on civilians, reaching an agreement for the implementation of reforms. However it wasn’t until 2 November that the Arab League secured Syria’s agreement to implement a peace plan, which included a promise to halt violence, release prisoners, allow for media access and remove military presence from civilian areas. Even then, according to Amnesty International, over 100 civilians were killed in the week immediately after Assad agreed to the plan.
In response, the League suspended Syria’s membership on 12 November, and in an unprecedented move, imposed economic sanctions on 27 November. On 19 December Syria signed a peace deal, agreeing to an Arab observer mission for an initial period of one month while explicitly ruling out intervention and protecting Syrian sovereignty. The initiative also included a ceasefire, the release of detainees and military withdrawal.
As the one-month mandate of the Arab League’s observer mission in Syria came to a close, the League met on 22 January in Cairo to discuss the mission’s future. Following the meeting, Arab leaders, in addition to extending the mission's mandate and providing additional equipment for observers, called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to cede power to his vice president and form a national unity government. This plan was immediately rejected by Syrian authorities who called the plan “flagrant interference” in Syrian affairs. Meanwhile, the monitoring mission launched by the Arab League in December 2011 suffered additional setbacks as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States withdrew their support on 23 and 24 January respectively, citing Syria’s failure to implement the peace plan. Though Arab leaders initially agreed to extend the mandate of the monitoring mission for another month on 27 January, they later suspended the mission on 29 January due to "critical" worsening conditions. After the Security Council failed to reach a consensus on the Arab League’s strengthened stance, resulting in a double veto of a resolution on 4 February, Arab leaders agreed on 12 February to open contact with Syrian opposition and ask the UN to form a joint peacekeeping force to halt the violence in Syria.
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
The GCC - Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – issued a statement on 7 February recalling their envoys and expelling Syrian ambassadors. The statement was a strong condemnation of the “mass slaughter against the unarmed Syrian people,” and urged Arab leaders to take "decisive measures in response to this dangerous escalation against the Syrian people."
The European Union (EU)
The European Council announced on 9 May 2011 that it would impose an arms embargo on Syria and a visa ban and asset freeze on 13 individuals identified as responsible for the conflict. The EU later imposed targeted economic sanctions, additional travel bans and asset freezes against Syrian government and military officials on 1 August. In a statement issued on the same day, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton reminded the Syrian government of “its responsibility to protect the population” and denounced attacks on civilians in Hama and other Syrian cities. The EU also adopted a ban on oil imports from Syria to increase pressure on the regime on 2 September, and continued to expand its economic sanctions on Syria for the duration of the conflict. On 23 January the European Union announced an expansion of economic sanctions to twenty-two more individuals. The EU gave its support on 13 February to the Arab League’s call for a joint Arab-UN peacekeeping force.
United Nations
On 2 June, the Advisers reminded the Syrian government of its responsibility to protect the civilian population, and called for an investigation into alleged violations of international human rights law. Later, on 21 July the Advisers reiterated their alarm at the systematic and widespread attacks targeting civilians and peaceful protestors and their call for an investigation, stating that “the scale and gravity of the violations indicate a serious possibility that crimes against humanity may have been committed and continue to be committed in Syria.” The Special Advisers issued a third statement on 10 February calling for “a renewed sense of determination and urgency to prevent further atrocities against the people of Syria”. The Special Advisers reminded that in order to uphold the responsibility to protect, Syria and the international community must “build trust among communities within Syria, (…) facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need, and (…) encourage regional cooperation in advancing human rights and preventing further rounds of violence against civilian populations.”
Human Rights Council and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
The Human Rights Council and OHCHR were seized of the situation in Syria early on and a Special Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) was held on the crisis on 29 April. In a Resolution adopted during the session, the Council condemned the crackdown and called for the OHCHR to dispatch a fact-finding mission to investigate into human rights violations. The Mission, which was successfully launched on 15 March, released findings on 15 September that the widespread and systematic attacks against the Syrian population could amount to crimes against humanity, including murder, disappearance and torture as well as deprivation of liberty and persecution. The Report also called on the Syrian government to prevent impunity, allow the safe return of refugees, release all detainees, and facilitate further investigation by the OHCHR and the Human Rights Council.
From 22-23 August 2011, the HRC held a second Special Session on Syria to investigate the ongoing human rights violations, subsequently adopting a Resolution mandating an independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate human rights violations in Syria. The Commission’s Report was released on 28 November, detailing extensive human rights violations occurring in Syria and expressing concern that crimes against humanity have been committed. On 19 September, High Commissioner Navi Pillay urged the Security Council to refer the case to the International Criminal Court, a recommendation she reiterated on 12 December as she warned that Syria was at risk of civil war.
 As the crisis remained unresolved and the international community failed to take decisive action, Pillay stated on 8 February, “At their 2005 Summit, World leaders unanimously agreed that each individual State has the responsibility to protect its population from crimes against humanity and other international crimes...They also agreed that when a State is manifestly failing to protect its population from serious international crimes, the international community as a whole has the responsibility to step in by taking protective action in a collective, timely and decisive manner...The virtual carte blanche now granted to the Syrian Government betrays the spirit and the word of this unanimous decision. It is depriving the population of the protection they so urgently need.”
 Security Council
The Security Council was a source of disappointment for many due to its consistent inability to form a consensus around the crisis. The Council released a presidential statement on 3 August that condemned the violence while reaffirming the Council’s “strong commitment to the sovereignty…and territorial integrity of Syria.”  
September saw renewed discussions in the Council on a possible Resolution, but Permanent Members Russia and China vetoed the text, which came to a vote on 4 October 2011. The text included the condemnation of ‘grave and systematic human rights violations’ and included a warning of possible sanctions should the situation continue to deteriorate. Brazil, India, Lebanon and South Africa abstained from the vote, while opponents of the Resolution argued that the Council needed to prioritize a Syrian-led dialogue rather than condemn the government. The Resolution’s critics also cited concerns over the implementation of Resolution 1973 in Libya as reason for caution over Syria. Civil society organizations and several Member States announced their dismay at the double veto.
On 15 December, Russia introduced a draft resolution in the Council. The draft condemned the violence committed by all parties in Syria and heavily emphasized that the Resolution did not mandate a military intervention. Though Security Council Members welcomed the draft, it never came to a vote as some Member States, including France, Germany, and the United States felt that the resolution language was too lenient on the Syrian government.  
In late January, Secretary General of the League of Arab States Nabil El Araby traveled to UN Headquarters with Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani to seek support for the Arab League’s 22 January plan which called for Assad to transition out of power and for the formation of a unity government. An Arab and Western supported draft resolution based, in part, on the Arab League’s plan was introduced to Members of the Security Council by Morocco on 27 January. The resolution comprised four key aspects: an end to all acts of violence; release of detainees; withdrawal of armed forces from civilian areas; and freedom of access to the UN, NGOs and human rights monitors. During a 31 January U.N. Security Council high-level debate on the situation in Syria, where al-Thani and El Araby briefed the Council and advocated for the adoption of the resolution, statements of support were presented by the Foreign Ministers of France, US, UK, Guatemala, Portugal, Morocco and Germany.
 In the statement by Guatemalan Minister of Foreign Affairs Harold Caballeros, he reminded Security Council members of their duty to act under the principles of RtoP, recalling “the obligation of all States to observe certain norms of conduct in relation to their own populations”. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé recalled every state’s “responsibility to protect its civilian population”.  Opposition was voiced by the Permanent Representatives of Syria, Russia and China. South Africa and India urged all sides to work with the Arab League in a Syrian-led process, one that respects the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria.
 After days of negotiation, explicit references to the specifics of the Arab League plan regarding President Assad’s delegation of power and operative clauses that stated Member States could pursue measures like arms embargoes and economic sanctions were dropped from the resolution. The resolution did not pass on 4 February, despite support from 13 Security Council Members, including India and South Africa who had abstained in October 2011. In opposition to the Arab League endorsed resolution, Russia and China exercised their veto power for a second time.
On 21 March 2012, the UN Security Council adoped a presidential statement expressing "its gravest concern" regarding the situation in Syria. The statement voiced full support for the United Nations-Arab League Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan, and called on the Syrian government and opposition to work with the Envoy towards a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis and the implementation of his initial six-point proposal. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised the "clear and unified voice of the Council", expressing his hope that the united action by the Council will mark a turning point in the international community's response to the crisis.
General Assembly
The Third Committee (human rights) of the General Assembly (GA) passed a Resolution on 22 November that condemned the Syrian government’s prolonged crackdown against protesters. A total of 122 states voted for the resolution, with 13 against and 41 abstentions. Introduced by Britain, France, and Germany, the resolution carried no legal weight, but called on the Syrian government to end all human rights abuses and urged Assad to immediately implement the Arab League’s November peace plan. On 21 November, the Syrian envoy to the UN characterized the Resolution as declaring “diplomatic war” against the country. However, the vote at the GA was marked by strong regional support for the Resolution, with Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar and Saudi Arabia – all co-sponsors of the Resolution – voting in favor. Russia and China abstained from voting, along with India and South Africa.
 On 19 December, the GA adopted a second resolution calling for Syria to implement a peace plan brokered by the Arab League, which included allowing observers into the country. The Resolution, which passed with 133 votes in favor, 11 against and 43 abstentions, also called on Syria to cooperate with the independent international commission of inquiry establish by the Human Rights Council.
 The General Assembly was briefed by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay in a meeting on Syria held on 13 February. Ms. Pillay again recalled her earlier statements urging the Security Council to refer the situation of Syria to the International Criminal Court so as to ensure that crimes do not go unpunished. On 16 February, a third resolution, circulated by Saudi Arabia, was passed in the GA with 137 votes in favor, 12 against and 17 abstentions. Based on the vetoed Security Council resolution text of 4 February, the resolution issued support for the League of Arab States’ peace plan in Syria and stressed the importance of ensuring accountability, the need to end impunity and “hold to account those responsible for human rights violations, including those violations that may amount to crimes against humanity”. The resolution further called for the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Envoy to the country.
 United Nations-Arab League Joint Special Envoy to Syria
On 23 February, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby announced the appointment of Kofi Annan as UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy to Syria, in accordance with GA Resolution A/RES/66/253. In a UN-Arab League statement on March 7, former Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Al Kidwa was announced as Deputy Joint Special Envoy, and was joined on 20 March by Jean-Marie Guéhenno, former UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations. The Deputy Special Envoys are tasked to assist Annan in the exercise of his mandate.
In a meeting on 8 March in Cairo, the Arab League and Russia - in conjunction with Kofi Annan - ruled out military intervention, believing that it would only worsen the situation. Annan began talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on 10 March, only to leave Syria without reaching a ceasefire agreement. Both Assad and the leader of Syria’s main opposition group rejected dialogue, with the opposition saying negotiation was “unrealisitic” and advocating for military force.
Following a presentation in mid-March by Annan to the UN of a six-point proposal for ending the violence in Syria, the Security Council adopted a presidential statement on 22 March issuing support for the plan. Annan’s six-point proposal calls for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of forces by both the government and opposition, humanitarian aid deliveries, an inclusive political process and respect for freedom of association and demonstration.
Under-Secretary General on Humanitarian Affairs
In response to escalating conflict, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on 22 February for Under-Secretary General on Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, to “visit Syria to assess the humanitarian situation and renew the call for urgent humanitarian access”. On 7 February, the Under-Secretary General met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallim in Damascus, before visiting the neighborhood of Baba Amr in Homs, an area where fighting between government and opposition forces has been centered.
Government responses
Qatar was the first Arab state to recall its ambassador in Syria on 21 July, with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain following suit on 8 August, and Tunisia and Morocco doing the same on 11 August and 17 November. Traditionally an ally of Syria’s, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, announced in a meeting with President Assad that Ankara had “run out of patience” with the situation on 9 August. Following several statements condemning the violence, Turkey imposed economic sanctions on Syria on 30 November.
On 15 January, a US news agency quoted Qatari leader Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani who suggested that Arab troops be sent to Syria to end the conflict. Syria immediately condemned Qatar’s remark, warning it would jeopardize Syrian-Arab relations and promising to “stand firm” against any intervention. After Arab leaders affirmed on 23 January that they were not in favor of a military intervention, Qatar maintained its leadership role in responding to the crisis, briefing the Security Council alongside the Secretary-General of the Arab League on 27 January.
Outside the region, the United States reacted quickly by signing an executive order on 29 April 2011 imposing sanctions on three Syrian officials responsible for human rights violations, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for providing material support to the Syrian government for the suppression of civilians and the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate for participating in crackdowns on civilians. Additional sanctions were issued on 18 May targeting President Assad and six government aides, and Syrian oil imports were banned on 18 August. The US also joined several European nations, including UK, France and Germany, in calling for Assad to step down on 18 August. Some governments recalled their ambassadors to Syria, including Italy on 2 August, Switzerland on 18 August, and France on 16 November. On 7 September French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé accused the Syrian government of committing crimes against humanity against the Syrian population.
Russia was criticized by many governments and civil society for its consistent support for Assad’s government even as it deplored the ongoing violence. Russia has been a long-time arms exporter to Syria, and throughout the conflict worked to ensure both that the opposition’s violence was internationally recognized and that Assad’s sovereignty was protected, even in its 15 December draft resolution in the Security Council. Other states were similarly hesitant to condemn Assad, including the India, Brazil, South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA), which released a statement on 11 August calling for an immediate end to all violence and for all parties to exercise restraint. However, the statement did not call for further action to protect civilians and, in regards to the violent measures carried out by the Syrian government, merely noted that President Assad “acknowledged that some mistakes had been made by security forces.” Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, stated on 7 February that the international community should try to “put the parties at the table and to arrange dialogue among them in order to find a political solution without further bloodshed.”
Following the second double veto in February, Member States remained seized of the situation, as evidenced by the U.S. government when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for the formation of a “friends of democratic Syria” on 5 February. Echoing Clinton’s remarks, the Prime Minister of Turkey announced on 7 February that Turkey would prepare “a new initiative with those countries that stand by the people, not the Syrian government.”
Civil Society
Civil society called for a swift, decisive and unified response by international and regional bodies to end the targeting of civilians in Syria and bring the perpetrators of human rights violations to justice. Please see the op-eds, analyses, and calls to action from civil society actors, which related the responsibility to protect to the crisis in Syria.

सोमवार, 21 जनवरी 2013

Economics vocabulary start from 'C'

  1. Cannibalise
    Eating people is wrong. Eating your own business may not be. FIRMS used to be reluctant to launch new products and SERVICES that competed with what they were already doing, as the new thing would eat into (cannibalise) their existing business. In today's innovative, technology-intensive economy, however, a willingness to cannibalise is more often seen as a good thing. This is because INNOVATION often takes the form of what economists call creative destruction (see SCHUMPETER), in which a superior new product destroys the market for existing products. In this environment, the best course of action for successful firms that want to avoid losing their market to a rival with an innovation may be to carry out the creative destruction themselves.

    The amount a company or an economy can produce using its current equipment, workers, CAPITAL and other resources at full tilt. Judging how close an economy is to operating at full capacity is an important ingredient of MONETARY POLICY, for if there is not enough spare capacity to absorb an increase in DEMAND, PRICES are likely to rise instead. Measuring an economy's OUTPUT GAP - how far current OUTPUT is above or below what it would be at full capacity - is difficult, if not impossible, which is why even the best-intentioned CENTRAL BANK can struggle to keep down INFLATION. When there is too much spare capacity, however, the result can be DEFLATION, as FIRMS and employees cut their prices and wage demands to compete for whatever demand there may be.

    MONEY or assets put to economic use, the life-blood of CAPITALISM. Economists describe capital as one of the four essential ingredients of economic activity, the FACTORS OF PRODUCTION, along with LAND, LABOUR and ENTERPRISE. Production processes that use a lot of capital relative to labour are CAPITAL INTENSIVE; those that use comparatively little capital are LABOUR INTENSIVE. Capital takes different forms. A firm's ASSETS are known as its capital, which may include fixed capital (machinery, buildings, and so on) and working capital (stocks of raw materials and part-finished products, as well as money, that are used up quickly in the production process). Financial capital includes money, BONDS and SHARES. HUMAN CAPITAL is the economic wealth or potential contained in a person, some of it endowed at birth, the rest the product of training and education, if only in the university of life. The invisible glue of relationships and institutions that holds an economy together is its social capital.

    Capital adequacy ratio
    The ratio of a BANK’s CAPITAL to its total ASSETS, required by regulators to be above a minimum (“adequate”) level so that there is little RISK of the bank going bust. How high this minimum level is may vary according to how risky a bank’s activities are.

    Capital asset pricing model
    A method of valuing ASSETS and calculating the COST OF CAPITAL (for an alternative, see ARBITRAGE PRICING THEORY). The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) has come to dominate modern finance.
    The rationale of the CAPM can be simplified as follows. Investors can eliminate some sorts of RISK, known as RESIDUAL RISK or alpha, by holding a diversified portfolio of assets (see MODERN PORTFOLIO THEORY). These alpha risks are specific to an individual asset, for example, the risk that a company's managers will turn out to be no good. Some risks, such as that of a global RECESSION, cannot be eliminated through diversification. So even a basket of all of the SHARES in a stockmarket will still be risky. People must be rewarded for investing in such a risky basket by earning returns on AVERAGE above those that they can get on safer assets, such as TREASURY BILLS. Assuming investors diversify away alpha risks, how an investor values any particular asset should depend crucially on how much the asset's PRICE is affected by the risk of the market as a whole. The market's risk contribution is captured by a measure of relative volatility, BETA, which ­indicates how much an asset's price is expected to change when the overall market changes.
    Safe investments have a beta close to zero: economists call these assets risk free. Riskier investments, such as a share, should earn a premium over the risk-free rate. How much is calculated by the average premium for all assets of that type, multiplied by the particular asset's beta.
    But does the CAPM work? It all comes down to beta, which some economists have found of dubious use. They think the CAPM may be an elegant theory that is no good in practice. Yet it is probably the best and certainly the most widely used method for calculating the cost of capital.

    Capital controls
    government-imposed restrictions on the ability of CAPITAL to move in or out of a country. Examples include limits on foreign INVESTMENT in a country's FINANCIAL MARKETS, on direct investment by foreigners in businesses or property, and on domestic residents' investments abroad. Until the 20th century capital controls were uncommon, but many countries then imposed them. Following the end of the second world war only Switzerland, Canada and the United States adopted open capital regimes. Other rich countries maintained strict controls and many made them tougher during the 1960s and 1970s. This changed in the 1980s and early 1990s, when most developed countries scrapped their capital controls.
    The pattern was more mixed in developing countries. Latin American countries imposed lots of them during the debt crisis of the 1980s then scrapped most of them from the late 1980s onwards. Asian countries began to loosen their widespread capital controls in the 1980s and did so more rapidly during the 1990s.
    In developed countries, there were two main reasons why capital controls were lifted: free markets became more fashionable and financiers became adept at finding ways around the controls. Developing countries later discovered that foreign capital could play a part in financing domestic investment, from roads in Thailand to telecoms systems in Mexico, and, furthermore, that financial capital often brought with it valuable HUMAN CAPITAL. They also found that capital controls did not work and had unwanted side-effects. Latin America's controls in the 1980s failed to keep much money at home and also deterred foreign investment.
    The Asian economic crisis and CAPITAL FLIGHT of the late 1990s revived interest in capital controls, as some Asian governments wondered whether lifting the controls had left them vulnerable to the whims of international speculators, whose money could flow out of a country as fast as it once flowed in. There was also discussion of a 'Tobin tax' on short-term capital movements, proposed by James TOBIN, a winner of the NOBEL PRIZE FOR ECONOMICS. Even so, they mostly considered only limited controls on short-term capital movements, particularly movements out of a country, and did not reverse the broader 20-year-old process of global financial and economic LIBERALISATION.

    Capital flight
    When CAPITAL flows rapidly out of a country, usually because something happens which causes investors suddenly to lose confidence in its economy. (Strictly speaking, the problem is not so much the MONEY leaving, but rather that investors in general suddenly lower their valuation of all the assets of the country.) This is particularly worrying when the flight capital belongs to the country’s own citizens. This is often associated with a sharp fall in the EXCHANGE RATE of the abandoned country’s currency.

    Capital gains
    The PROFIT from the sale of a capital ASSET, such as a SHARE or a property. Capital gains are subject to TAXATION in most countries. Some economists argue that capital gains should be taxed lightly (if at all) compared with other sources of INCOME. They argue that the less tax is levied on capital gains, the greater is the incentive to put capital to productive use. Put another way, capital gains tax is effectively a tax on CAPITALISM. However, if capital gains are given too friendly a treatment by the tax authorities, accountants will no doubt invent all sorts of creative ways to disguise other income as capital gains.

    Capital intensive
    A production process that involves comparatively large amounts of CAPITAL; the opposite of LABOUR INTENSIVE.

    Capital markets
    Markets in SECURITIES such as BONDS and SHARES. Governments and companies use them to raise longer-term CAPITAL from investors, although few of the millions of capital-market transactions every day involve the issuer of the security. Most trades are in the SECONDARY MARKETS, between investors who have bought the securities and other investors who want to buy them. Contrast with MONEY MARKETS, where short-term capital is raised.

    Capital structure
    The composition of a company’s mixture of DEBT and EQUITY financing. A firm’s debt-equity ratio is often referred to as its GEARING. Taking on more debt is known as gearing up, or increasing lever age. In the 1960s, Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller (1923–2000) published a series of articles arguing that it did not matter whether a company financed its activities by issuing debt, or equity, or a mixture of the two. (For this they were awarded the NOBEL PRIZE FOR ECONOMICS.) But, they said, this rule does not apply if one source of financing is treated more favourably by the taxman than another. In the United States, debt has long had tax advantages over equity, so their theory implies that American FIRMS should finance themselves with debt. Companies also finance themselves by using the PROFIT they retain after paying dividends.

    The winner, at least for now, of the battle of economic 'isms'. Capitalism is a free-market system built on private ownership, in particular, the idea that owners of CAPITAL have PROPERTY RIGHTS that entitle them to earn a PROFIT as a reward for putting their capital at RISK in some form of economic activity. Opinion (and practice) differs considerably among capitalist countries about what role the state should play in the economy. But everyone agrees that, at the very least, for capitalism to work the state must be strong enough to guarantee property rights. According to Karl MARX, capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction, but so far this has proved a more accurate description of Marx's progeny, COMMUNISM.

    An agreement among two or more FIRMS in the same industry to co-operate in fixing PRICES and/or carving up the market and restricting the amount of OUTPUT they produce. It is particularly common when there is an OLIGOPOLY. The aim of such collusion is to increase PROFIT by reducing COMPETITION. Identifying and breaking up cartels is an important part of the competition policy overseen by ANTITRUST watchdogs in most countries, although proving the existence of a cartel is rarely easy, as firms are usually not so careless as to put agreements to collude on paper. The desire to form cartels is strong. As Adam SMITH put it, 'People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public or in some contrivance to raise prices.

    Catch-up effect
    In any period, the economies of countries that start off poor generally grow faster than the economies of countries that start off rich. As a result, the NATIONAL INCOME of poor countries usually catches up with the national income of rich countries. New technology may even allow DEVELOPING COUNTRIES to leap-frog over industrialised countries with older technology. This, at least, is the traditional economic theory. In recent years, there has been considerable debate about the extent and speed of convergence in reality.
    One reason to expect catch-up is that workers in poor countries have little access to CAPITAL, so their PRODUCTIVITY is often low. Increasing the amount of capital at their disposal by only a small amount can produce huge gains in productivity. Countries with lots of capital, and as a result higher levels of productivity, would enjoy a much smaller gain from a similar increase in capital. This is one possible explanation for the much faster GROWTH of Japan and Germany, compared with the United States and the UK, after the second world war and the faster growth of several Asian 'tigers', compared with developed countries, during the 1980s and most of the 1990s.

    Central bank
     A central bank sets short-term INTEREST RATES and oversees the health of the FINANCIAL SYSTEM, including by acting as LENDER OF LAST RESORT to commercial banks that get into financial difficulties. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, was founded in 1913. The Bank of England, known affectionately as the 'Old Lady of Threadneedle Street', was established in 1694, 26 years after the creation of the world's first central bank in Sweden. With the birth of the EURO in 1999, the MONETARY POLICY powers of the central banks of 11 European countries were transferred to a new EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK, based in Frankfurt.
    During the 1990s there was a trend to make central banks independent from political intervention in their day-to-day operations and allow them to set interest rates. Independent central banks should be able to concentrate on the long-term needs of an economy, whereas political intervention may be guided by the short-term needs of the GOVERNMENT. In theory, an independent central bank should reduce the risk of INFLATION. Some central banks are legally requried to set interest rates so as to hit an explicit inflation target. Politicians are often tempted to exploit a possible short-term trade-off between inflation and UNEMPLOYMENT, even though the long-term consequence of easing policy in this way is (most economists say) that the unemployment rate returns to what you started with and inflation is higher. An independent central bank, because it does not have to worry about persuading an electorate to vote for it, is more likely to act in the best long-run interests of the economy.

    Ceteris paribus
    Other things being equal. Economists use this Latin phrase to cover their backs. For example, they might say that “higher interest rates will lead to lower inflation, ceteris paribus”, which means that they will stand by their prediction about INFLATION only if nothing else changes apart from the rise in the INTEREST RATE.

    “Bah! Humbug”, was Scrooge’s opinion of charitable giving. Some economists reckon charity goes against economic rationality. Some have argued that the popularity of charitable giving is proof that people are not economically rational. Others argue that it shows that ALTRUISM is something that people get pleasure (UTILITY) from, and so are willing to spend some of their INCOME on it. An interesting question is the extent to which the state is competing with private charity when it redistributes money from rich to poor or spends more on health care and whether this is inefficient.

    Classical economics
    The dominant theory of economics from the 18th century to the 20th century, when it evolved into NEO-CLASSICAL ECONOMICS. Classical economists, who included Adam SMITH, David RICARDO and John Stuart Mill, believed that the pursuit of individual self-interest produced the greatest possible economic benefits for society as a whole through the power of the INVISIBLE HAND. They also believed that an economy is always in EQUILIBRIUM or moving towards it.
    Equilibrium was ensured in the LABOUR market by movements in WAGES and in the CAPITAL market by changes in the rate of INTEREST. The INTEREST RATE ensured that total SAVINGS in an economy were equal to total INVESTMENT. In DISEQUILIBRIUM, higher interest rates encouraged more saving and less investment, and lower rates meant less saving and more investment. When the DEMAND for labour rose or fell, wages would also rise or fall to keep the workforce at FULL EMPLOYMENT.
    In the 1920s and 1930s, John Maynard KEYNES attacked some of the main beliefs of classical and neo-classical economics, which became unfashionable. In particular, he argued that the rate of interest was determined or influenced by the speculative actions of investors in BONDS and that wages were inflexible downwards, so that if demand for labour fell, the result would be higher UNEMPLOYMENT rather than cheaper workers.

    Closed economy
    An economy that does not take part in inter­national trade; the opposite of an OPEN ECONOMY. At the turn of the century about the only notable example left of a closed economy is North Korea.

    An ASSET pledged by a borrower that may be seized by a lender to recover the value of a loan if the borrower fails to meet the required INTEREST charges or repayments.

    The process of becoming a COMMODITY. Micro­chips, for example, started out as a specialised technical innovation, costing a lot and earning their makers a high PROFIT on each chip. Now chips are largely homogeneous: the same chip can be used for many things, and any manufacturer willing to invest in some fairly standardised equip ment can make them. As a result, COMPETITION is fierce and PRICES and profit margins are low. Some economists argue that in today's economy the faster pace of innovation will make the process of commoditisation increasingly common.

    A comparatively homogeneous product that can typically be bought in bulk. It usually refers to a raw material - oil, cotton, cocoa, silver - but can also describe a manufactured product used to make other things, for example, microchips used in personal computers. Commodities are often traded on commodity exchanges. On AVERAGE, the PRICE of natural commodities has fallen steadily in REAL TERMS in defiance of some predictions that growing CONSUMPTION of non-renewables such as copper would force prices up. At times the oil price has risen sharply in real terms, most notably during the 1970s, but this was due not to the exhaustion of limited supplies but to rationing by the OPEC CARTEL, or war, or fear of it, particularly in the oil-rich Middle East.

    The enemy of CAPITALISM and now nearly extinct. Invented by KARL MARX, who predicted that feudalism and capitalism would be succeeded by the 'dictatorship of the proletariat', during which the state would 'wither away' and economic life would be organised to achieve 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs'. The Soviet Union was the most prominent attempt to put communism into practice and the result was conspicuous failure, although some modern followers of Marx reckon that the Soviets missed the point.

    Comparative advantage
    Paul Samuelson, one of the 20th century's greatest economists, once remarked that the principle of comparative advantage was the only big idea that ECONOMICS had produced that was both true and surprising. It is also one of the oldest theories in economics, usually ascribed to DAVID RICARDO. The theory underpins the economic case for FREE TRADE. But it is often misunderstood or misrepresented by opponents of free trade. It shows how countries can gain from trading with each other even if one of them is more efficient - it has an ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE - in every sort of economic activity. Comparative advantage is about identifying which activities a country (or firm or individual) is most efficient at doing.
    To see how this theory works imagine two countries, Alpha and Omega. Each country has 1,000 workers and can make two goods, computers and cars. Alpha's economy is far more productive than Omega's. To make a car, Alpha needs two workers, compared with Omega's four. To make a computer, Alpha uses 10 workers, compared with Omega's 100. If there is no trade, and in each country half the workers are in each industry, Alpha produces 250 cars and 50 computers and Omega produces 125 cars and 5 computers.
    What if the two countries specialise? Although Alpha makes both cars and computers more efficiently than Omega (it has an absolute advantage), it has a bigger edge in computer making. So it now devotes most of its resources to that industry, employing 700 workers to make computers and only 300 to make cars. This raises computer output to 70 and cuts car production to 150. Omega switches entirely to cars, turning out 250.
    World output of both goods has risen. Both countries can consume more of both if they trade, but at what PRICE? Neither will want to import what it could make more cheaply at home. So Alpha will want at least 5 cars per computer, and Omega will not give up more than 25 cars per computer. Suppose the terms of trade are fixed at 12 cars per computer and 120 cars are exchanged for 10 computers. Then Alpha ends up with 270 cars and 60 computers, and Omega with 130 cars and 10 computers. Both are better off than they would be if they did not trade.
    This is true even though Alpha has an absolute advantage in making both computers and cars. The reason is that each country has a different comparative advantage. Alpha's edge is greater in computers than in cars. Omega, although a costlier producer in both industries, is a less expensive maker of cars. If each country specialises in products in which it has a comparative advantage, both will gain from trade.
    In essence, the theory of comparative advantage says that it pays countries to trade because they are different. It is impossible for a country to have no comparative advantage in anything. It may be the least efficient at everything, but it will still have a comparative advantage in the industry in which it is relatively least bad.
    There is no reason to assume that a country's comparative advantage will be static. If a country does what it has a comparative advantage in and sees its INCOME grow as a result, it can afford better education and INFRASTRUCTURE. These, in turn, may give it a comparative advantage in other economic activities in future.

    The more competition there is, the more likely are FIRMS to be efficient and PRICES to be low. Economists have identified several different sorts of competition. PERFECT COMPETITION is the most competitive market imaginable in which everybody is a price taker. Firms earn only normal profits, the bare minimum PROFIT necessary to keep them in business. If firms earn more than this (excess profits) other firms will enter the market and drive the price level down until there are only normal profits to be made.
    Most markets exhibit some form of imperfect or MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION. There are fewer firms than in a perfectly competitive market and each can to some degree create BARRIERS TO ENTRY. Thus firms can earn some excess profits without a new entrant being able to compete to bring prices down.
    The least competitive market is a MONOPOLY, dominated by a single firm that can earn substantial excess profits by controlling either the amount of OUTPUT in the market or the price (but not both). In this sense it is a price setter. When there are few firms in a market (OLIGOPOLY) they have the opportunity to behave as a monopolist through some form of collusion (see CARTEL). A market dominated by a single firm does not necessarily have monopoly power if it is a CONTESTABLE MARKET. In such a market, a single firm can dominate only if it produces as efficiently as possible and does not earn excess profits. If it becomes inefficient or earns excess profits, another more efficient or less profitable firm will enter the market and dominate it instead.

    'Real economists don't talk about competitiveness,' said Paul Krugman, a much-respected contemporary economist. Real businessmen and real politicians talk about it all the time, however. Many FIRMS have undergone savage downsizing to remain competitive, and governments have set up numerous committees to examine how to sharpen their countries' economic performance.
    Mr Krugman's objection was not to the use of the term competitiveness by companies, which often do have competitors that they must beat, but to applying it to countries. At best, it is a meaningless word when applied to national economies; at worst, it encourages PROTECTIONISM. Countries, he claimed, do not compete in the same way as companies. When two companies compete, one's gain is the other's loss, whereas international trade, Mr Krugman argued, is not a ZERO-SUM GAME: when two countries compete through trade they both win.
    Yet measures of national competitiveness are not complete nonsense. A country's future prosperity depends on its GROWTH in PRODUCTIVITY, which GOVERNMENT policies can influence. Countries do compete in that they choose policies to promote higher living standards. Even so, conceptual and measurement difficulties mean that the growing number of indices purporting to compare the competitiveness of different countries should probably be taken with a large pinch of salt.
    Complementary goods
    When you buy a computer, you will also need to buy software. Computer hardware and software are therefore complementary goods: two products, for which an increase (or fall) in DEMAND for one leads to an increase (fall) in demand for the other. Complements are the opposite of SUBSTITUTE GOODS. For instance, Microsoft Windows-based personal computers and Apple Macs are substitutes.

    The tendency of a market to be dominated by a few big FIRMS. A high degree of concentration may be evidence of ANTITRUST problems, if it reflects a lack of COMPETITION. Traditionally, economists examined whether there was too much concentration using the HERFINDAHL-HIRSCHMAN INDEX, which is determined by adding the squares of the market shares of all firms involved. A low Herfindahl indicated many competitors and thus great difficulty in exercising MARKET POWER; a high Herfindahl, however, suggested a concentrated market in which PRICE rises are easier to sustain. More recently, antitrust authorities have placed less emphasis on concentration. One reason is that it is hard to define the market in which concentration should be measured. Instead, antitrust authorities have turned their attention to finding examples of firms earning excessive profits or holding back INNOVATION, although this too raises tricky conceptual and practical questions.

    When there are strings attached, for example, to INTERNATIONAL AID or loans from the IMF or WORLD BANK. The delivery of the MONEY may be made subject to the GOVERNMENT of the country implementing economic or political reforms desired by the donor or lender.

    Consumer confidence
    How good consumers feel about their economic prospects. Measures of average consumer confidence can be a useful, though not infallible, indicators of how much consumers are likely to spend. Combined with measures such as business confidence, it can shed light on overall levels of economic activity.

    Consumer prices
    What people are usually thinking of when they worry about INFLATION. The PRICES paid by whoever finally consumes goods or SERVICES, as opposed to prices paid by FIRMS at various stages of the production process .

    Consumer surplus
    The difference between what a consumer would be willing to pay for a good or service and what that consumer actually has to pay. Added to PRODUCER SURPLUS, it provides a measure of the total economic benefit of a sale.

    What consumers do. Within an economy, this can be broken down into private and public consumption . The more resources a society consumes, the less it has to save or invest, although, paradoxically, higher consumption may encourage higher INVESTMENT. The LIFE-CYCLE HYPOTHESIS suggests that at certain stages of life individuals are more likely to be saving than consuming, and at other stages they are more likely to be heavy consumers. Some economists argue that consumption taxes are a more efficient form of TAXATION than taxes on wealth, CAPITAL, property or INCOME.

    Contestable market
    A market in which an inefficient firm, or one earning excess profits, is likely to be driven out by a more efficient or less profitable rival. A market can be contestable even if it is dominated by a single firm, which appears to enjoy a MONOPOLY with MARKET POWER, and the new entrant exists only as potential COMPETITION.

    Being corrupt is not just bad for the soul, it also harms the economy. Research has found that in countries with a lot of corruption, less of their GDP goes into INVESTMENT and they have lower GROWTH rates. Corrupt countries invest less in education, a sector of the economy that pays big economic dividends but small bribes, than do clean countries, thereby reducing their HUMAN CAPITAL. They also attract less FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT.
    There is no such thing as good corruption, but some sorts of corruption are less bad than others. Some economists point to similarities between bribery and paying taxes or buying a licence to operate. Where it is predictable - where the briber knows what to pay and can be sure of getting what it pays for--corruption harms the economy far less than where it is capricious.
    The absence of corruption has huge economic benefits, however, by allowing the development of institutions that enable a market economy to function efficiently. In many of the world's more corrupt countries, the distinction between private interest and public duty is still unfamiliar. Countries that have made graft the exception rather than the rule in the conduct of public affairs have been helped to grow by the emergence of institutions such as an independent judiciary, a free press, a well-paid civil service and, perhaps crucially, an economy in which FIRMS have to compete for customers and CAPITAL.

    Cost of capital
    The amount a firm must pay the owners of CAPITAL for the privilege of using it. This includes INTEREST payments on corporate DEBT, as well as the dividends generated for shareholders. In deciding whether to proceed with a project, FIRMS should calculate whether the project is likely to generate sufficient revenue to cover all the costs incurred, including the cost of capital. Calculating the cost of EQUITY capital can be tricky.

    Cost-benefit analysis
    A method of reaching economic decisions by comparing the costs of doing something with its benefits. It sounds simple and common-sensical, but, in practice, it can easily become complicated and is much abused. With careful selection of the assumptions used in cost-benefit analysis it can be made to support, or oppose, almost anything. This is particularly so when the decision being con templated involves some cost or benefit for which there is no market PRICE or which, because of an EXTERNALITY, is not fully reflected in the market price. Typical examples would be a project to build a hydroelectric dam in an area of outstanding natural beauty or a law to require factories to limit emissions of gases that may cause ill-health.

    Credit creation
    Making loans. Often the amount of credit creation is subject to REGULATION. Lenders may have limits on the amount of loans they can make relative to the ASSETS they have, so that they run little RISK of BANKRUPTCY (see Basel 1 and 2 and CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO). A CENTRAL BANK tries to keep the amount of credit creation below the level at which it would increase the MONEY SUPPLY so much that INFLATION accelerates. This was never easy to get right even when most lending was by BANKS, but it has become much harder with the recent growth of non-bank lending, such as by credit-card com­panies and retailers.

    Credit crunch
    When BANKS suddenly stop lending, or BOND market LIQUIDITY evaporates, usually because creditors have become extremely RISK AVERSE.

    A lender, whether by making a loan, buying a BOND or allowing MONEY owed now to be paid in the future.

    Crony capitalism
    An approach to business based on looking after yourself by looking out for your own. At least until the crisis of the late 1990s, some Asian companies, and even governments, were notable for awarding contracts only to family and friends. This was often a form of CORRUPTION, resulting in economic inefficiency.

    Crowding out
    When the state does something it may discourage, or crowd out, private-sector attempts to do the same thing. At times, excessive GOVERNMENT borrowing has been blamed for low private-sector borrowing and, consequently, low INVESTMENT and (because the economic returns on public borrowing are typically lower than those on private DEBT, especially corporate debt) slower economic GROWTH. This has become less of a concern in recent years as government indebtedness has declined and, because of GLOBALISATION, FIRMS have become more able to raise CAPITAL outside their home country. Crowding out may also come from state spending on things that might be provided more efficiently by the private sector, such as health care, or even through CHARITY, redistribution.

    Currency board
    A means by which some countries try to defend their currency from speculative attack. A country that introduces a currency board commits itself to converting its domestic currency on demand at a fixed EXCHANGE RATE. To make this commit ment credible, the currency board holds RESERVES of foreign currency (or GOLD or some other liquid ASSET) equal at the fixed rate of exchange to at least 100% of the value of the domestic currency that is issued.
    Unlike a conventional CENTRAL BANK, which can print MONEY at will, a currency board can issue domestic notes and coins only when there are enough foreign exchange reserves to back it. Under a strict currency board regime, INTEREST RATES adjust automatically. If investors want to switch out of domestic currency into, say, US dollars, then the SUPPLY of domestic currency will automatically shrink. This will cause domestic interest rates to rise, until eventually it becomes attractive for investors to hold local currency again.
    Like any fixed exchange rate system, a currency board offers the prospect of a stable exchange rate and its strict discipline also brings benefits that ordinary exchange rate pegs lack. Profligate governments, for instance, cannot use the central bank's printing presses to fund large deficits. Hence currency boards are more credible than fixed exchange rates. The downside is that, like other fixed exchange rate systems, currency boards prevent governments from setting their own interest rates.
    If local inflation remains higher than that of the country to which the currency is pegged, the currencies of countries with currency boards can become overvalued and uncompetitive. Governments cannot use the exchange rate to help the economy adjust to an outside SHOCK, such as a fall in export prices or sharp shifts in capital flows. Instead, domestic WAGES and prices must adjust, which may not happen for many years, if ever.
    A currency board can also put pressure on banks and other financial institutions if interest rates rise sharply as investors dump local currency. For emerging markets with fragile banking systems, this can be a dangerous drawback. Furthermore, a classic currency board, unlike a central bank, cannot act as a LENDER OF LAST RESORT. A conventional central bank can stem a potential banking panic by lending money freely to banks that are feeling the pinch. A classic currency board cannot, although in practice some currency boards have more freedom than the classic description implies. The danger is that if they use this freedom, governments may cause currency speculators and others to doubt the government's commitment to living within the strict disciplines imposed by the currency board.
    Argentina's decision to devalue the peso amid economic and political crisis in January 2002, a decade after it adopted a currency board, showed that adopting a currency board is neither a panacea nor a guarantee that an exchange rate backed by one will remain fixed come what may.

    Currency peg
    When a GOVERNMENT announces that the EXCHANGE RATE of its currency is fixed against another currency or currencies. 

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